As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me!

The problem is that right now, it is really hard to predict which city will be lagging behind. As GV is our most heavily cottaged location, there is a solid chance it makes Legendary first regardless of its current culture or the amount of culture it has when the slider is turned on. It could turn out to have been the most effective use, we just won't know that until the end game.

Hey all, I fixed my problem [I think...], but I don't have a lot of time free today, so I'll play after Kyan [unless he can't play for several days].
Played in: PBEM 4 [Formerly Jowy's Peter of Egypt] | PBEM 10 [Napoleon of the Dutch] | PBEM 11 [Shaka of France] | EitB XVI [Valledia of the Amurites] | PB7 [Darius of Rome] | Diplomacy 3 [Austria-Hungary] | PBEMm/o vs AutomatedTeller

I am leaving for Hawaii in 48 hours and will not have access to Civ for six day. If Tatan and Kyan can play soon, I can squeeze in another turn. Otherwise, I might need a skip for the holiday season. Basically I either have to play late tonight or Tuesday evening (Pacific time) or I am out for a turn.

I can play tomoro at around 6pm GMT so if Tatan or GES wants to go before me- that's fine.

For keeping the game moving sake, i think maybe GES can go next then me, then Tatan unless Tatan can also play before then?

"GES, then Kyan, then me" works well with my plans.
Played in: PBEM 4 [Formerly Jowy's Peter of Egypt] | PBEM 10 [Napoleon of the Dutch] | PBEM 11 [Shaka of France] | EitB XVI [Valledia of the Amurites] | PB7 [Darius of Rome] | Diplomacy 3 [Austria-Hungary] | PBEMm/o vs AutomatedTeller

Who in the hell knows what kind of overall turn order that order of play leaves us with? crazyeye

But I guess we'll just continue passing the game around like a whiskey bottle amongst drunken sailors. toast

Ok, new turn order:



Immediately cancel our Marble deal with Cyrus. We are building Taj, and this will double speed the construction. Taj drops from 10 turns to 6 turns. Eventually we will need marble to help double speed some of the religious buildings.

Tyr is going to be one of our Legendary cities I am pretty sure, and yet we have built two workshops there, rather than cottages for the cultural slider. I will use the workshops briefly to rush out some temples, but we need to cottage over these afterwards.

[Image: Toomuchproduction0000-1.jpg]

We have two workers sleeping in UP when we need to do some tile replacement in Mansa's old lands. A farmed grassland in a city with 5 food resources? Mansa was a little smoke

T200: Research positive at 60%. 6 turns to Constitution. Can probably knock out Democracy too during the Golden Age. Then I decide to get a Forge in Tyr for the building production (will probably go back to OR), so I put us on max shields in Tyr, which reduces Constitution back to 7 turns. Bibracte is getting a Forge too for the same reason.

T201: Cottaged over farm at Bibracte. Our Trireme has run into unpassable lands in the south. Make this trade with Mansa:

[Image: Trade0002-1.jpg]

I would prefer to trade with Mansa (who is Pleased with us again, despite two war declarations and our crippling him smoke), than Cyrus. Mansa cannot win.

T202: Cottaging over workshop at Tyr.

T203: Need to get Hindu and Christian missionaries out to spread, so that we can get temples up in 9 cities for all 3 religions. Right now I am going to pump them from TT's Gambit. Temple complete in GV, now building Oxford. Another Mansa trade, although I added the gold and world map too:

[Image: MoreMansaTrades0000-1.jpg]

T204: The Espionage ridiculousness began this turn, with a town pillaged back to village status. Stupid Espionage. Other workshop at Tyr cottaged. GArtist born in Tyr. Put it to sleep.

T205: Taj in. Onto 6-turn Notre Dame build in UP. Forge in Tyr, onto Aqueduct to deal with unhealthiness.

[Image: Tajin0000-1.jpg]

T206: Constitution finishes. I can tech Banking in one turn at full research. Then I will go ahead and grab Economics to see if I can still get the free GMerchant. And the extra trade route. Not going to switch to Representation because our old Mansa cities will go into unhappiness without the garrison happiness. The "yearn to join motherland" crap is preventing this.

T207: We don't have a single foreign trade route because we don't have Astronomy, so I put us into Mercantilism. Vienne onto Christian temple. Economics in four turns, at -22gpt 80% science.

T208: One turn Jewish missionary in One South.

T209: Judaism spread to TT's Gambit. I put up long build queues in each of the Legendaries. The next turn player can obviously change this around as desired. Economics finishes in 2 turns. Maybe we can grab the GMerchant to fuel the culture slider later. Christian Monastery finishes next turn in TT's Gambit, so we can get our missionaries from here. Oxford due in GV next turn. ND due next turn in UP. Brennus is furious with us, so we might want to get one our brothers of the faith to bring the hammer down on him.

Religion Spread:

Legendaries: 3 cities (Bibracte, Tyr, GV) all have all 3 religions.
Hinduism: 9 cities
Judaism: 10 cities
Christianity: 7 cities (need to spread to NE corridor)

So really, we just need Christian missionaries to spread to two more cities, and then we should revolt to OR and use the 25% bonus to help us get all these temples constructed. Then we get up the +50% buildings, start churning GArtists wholesale, turn the cultural slider on (do we want Rifles?), and build Hermitage in our weakest Legendary city.

Demographics on steroids from 24 straight GAge turns:

[Image: Demo0000-1.jpg]

Tech screen:

[Image: Techscreen0000-1.jpg]

We could definitely win space I think if we had wanted to go that route.

Once Notre Dame is in, we will have enough happiness to revolt to Representation if we want.

At some point, we will want to just run straight cash to fund deficit culture slider.

Good set GES!

A few things for the next player:

Build a caravel or two out of Totally Stoned so we can meet our warring folk across the ocean.

We are going to have to settle a trash tundra city up north. We need a supply of Iron to defend ourselves! The furs will come in handy too!

If we are going to try and bribe Cyrus into a war with Brennus, we need to buy Cyrus off his war with Mansa first. At current turn, that cost in Constitution.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."


for some reason i used the G Artist to bomb Tyr. It's the move we'd have likely made eventually anyway but it could have waited. Not really sure why i decided to use it now. I moved the other G Artist up to sleep in GV as that's more likely where he will be used.

Set UP and Totally Stoned onto caravels to try and find the lost civs.


swapped maps with Mansa. He threw in 10g also. Free money.
Landed economics and got the free great merchant. This is a good sign that we got there first. Am getting increasingly worried with Brennus' power rating and hatred for us though.


choose gunpowder so we can get some muskets up. We don't need Brennus attacking us right now.


gift divine right to brennus. He's down to 'annoyed' and no longer thinks of us as his worst enemy. Much better. I set our great merchant onto a caravel as he'll get far more value from a big city over the sea than London.


our first gunpowder unit is built. I set a few cities to musketmen for safety. No point throwing it away now just because of a low power rating. Rest of the builds were just standard stuff. Tyr/GV/Bibracte should be focusing totally on producing culture from this point. Research set to democracy. After we get that, i think we're best off running the slider.


set vienne on Versailles. It's a slow build but will save us a good amount of cash if we get it, or give us some nice failcash if not.


Antonin Dvorak (g artist) born in UP. Sent to sleep in GV. Bad news: Brennus has snuck an escorted settling party up to the iron site in the northern tundra.


I discover a pirate's cove!

[Image: t217-piratescove0000.jpg]

G Prophet born in bibracte. Will add to GV as a specialist for the culture.


cyrus requests we turn to vassalage. I agree and he moves up to friendly.


[Image: t218-genghis0000.jpg]

Genghis of Inca. Seems we also have china around somewhere!

[Image: t218-genghiscities0000.jpg]

UP onto Statue of Liberty. Culture slider on. Genghis is quite backwards technologically and im betting China aren't faring too great either!

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