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FFH2 Adventure 1 - Reporting Day

Hey all,

Please submit your reports in the reporting thread!

Unfortunately despite all my enthusiasms I didn't get to this, so no report from me, much as I wished to play the game.

Nuts frown. How did this slip up so fast...


Mini report: Played until about T150. My computer is cripplingly, annoyingly laggy. Gave up. I'm hopefully getting a new PC soon though, so I'll revisit this as a shadow game and get a full report together.

If you're curious though, I was completely ignoring the speed aspect of the game. I built a nice elven empire, and was getting down to seriously grinding as much XP as possible on those adepts.

I started out with the best of intentions on this one, having never played FFH before - I endeavoured to make sure I took it suitably seriously, and did some thorough research before choosing my tech path.

Unfortunately, there was a tripping point after about T75 where I decided instead to stop trying to win efficiently and just have fun. So my game deteriorated from a genuine attempt to wipe out the good civs as soon as I could to a fairly typical Warlord-Noble first-time-civver buildfest, best exemplified by a completely unnecessary slingshot to an extremely expensive tech because the heroes looked cool :D (although, in fairness, the heroes were cool...)

I haven't finished, but needless to say, the times do not bear comparison with the rest of the field, I'm sure. I'll try to put up a mini-report when I can though, so you can have a good giggle.

I will have to join the "not finished" group, although I plan to submit an initial report and will update once victory is complete (mid-week, most likely -- the Tower of Mastery has about 1600 hammers into it so far).

Similar to Selrahc and v8mark, I did not go for speedy conquest of the good civs. This has been my first FFH2 game, so I was just trying to survive, learn about the game, and have fun.

That is not to say that a couple civs did not fall to Svartalfar spells and weapons.... lol

I didn't complete the game either, sadly. Started off well enough, telling myself to take it slow and think through all my decisions, but then as always happens in my single player games, i started rushing through everything and ended up with a clusterfuck of a game, lol.

I think I need PBEMs to actually think through the things I do, i get too impatient otherwise :P

I'll try harder next time!

What my esteemed peers all said...

Aye. I had a look at this one too, and played an interesting game until I ran out of time. I may even finish it at some point. I'll try and at least post a picture in the tournaments thread ... if I even have time for that.

I never finished the game. I lost enthusiasm halfway through because the AI was just way too dumb - Faeryl was screwing around (literally, according to the incomplete report) and still smashed in the most powerful opponent with a crappy army.
I don't think i'll ever play another FFH2 SP game until the AI gets better.

I'd post my report, but I think it needs too much [strike]censorship[/strike] editing for bawdiness, due to casting Faeryl as the stereotypical female Dark Elf and making Arendel's name mean something rather dodgy (Arendel Phaedra -> Arenil Fidre? - Charming (dre) Autumn (en) Gold (Ar) Rain (Fi) Giver (il)). :rolleyes:

Darn, I even wrote up some narration for events which I never got down too.

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