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Caster of Magic II Default spell picks for human players

This is the current "default spell pick table" for human players.
It determines what spells are chosen when a predefined wizard is picked, the random option is used, or what spells are ticked by default when picking "custom".

// Nature
// Sorcery
// Chaos
// Life
// Death

We need to add 1 more rare, and 3 very rares to this table. The criteria is to offer a selection that best defines the realm, is newbie friendly, useful and fun to play, and where possible, is not the most powerful pick available.

So... here is what I've set up as a first attempt :

// Nature
// Sorcery
// Chaos
// Life
// Death

Common: I would move fairy dust to 5 (or even remove it for wild boars). I would move web to 2 as the go to way to handle flyers and ranged units.

Uncommon: I would move a global enchantment to the second pick as it's as major theme of the realm, bumping Water Elemental. Aether Binding seems easier to use, but either works..

Uncommon: I know summons are fun, but they're so off theme for life and there are some great options here. Likely endurance or Stream of Life as not including an overland enchantment feels wrong.

Common: I would swap darkness for weakness, I think darkness is too easy to misuse (can actually hurt you and is a little too conditional).

For Life and Sorcery, the creatures are included because I think it's super difficult to play Caster of Magic for a newbie without having access to a creature spell, especially at uncommon.

I agree with replacing darkness and weakness is a good choice as it's a unit curse.
Wild Boars should probably be included, but I wouldn't make Web any higher. So probably like this for Nature common :

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