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MOO1 : Proposed guaranteed techs

Is anyone making patches for this, or it is all just about RotP now?

Anyway, I was thinking that guaranteed techs may be a way to help balance the game and make the racial picks more interesting. These would be my suggestions:

Alkari  : Sub-light Drives
Bulrathi : Anti-Matter Bombs
Darlok : Advanced Space Scanner
Human : Class V Planetary Shield
Klackon : Automated Repair
Meklar : Robotic Controls IV
Mrrshan : Scatter Pack V Rockets
Psilon : Technology Nullifier
Sakkra : Soil Enrichment
Silicoid : Robotic Controls III

In making these picks I went with a tech from the dominant tech for the race and tried to pick what I think would help/balance the races a bit. The one I'm least certain about is Klackons, it could be too helpful to an already powerful race. 

The hardest choices are the Computer techs because while Computers are really good, it doesn't have any standout power techs. I gave Psilons something way late in the tech ladder to try and even them out a little. I didn't give Alkari HEF because its practically guaranteed anyway. I figured that Sub-light Drives are probably the most useful propulsion tech. You could argue for Internal Stabilizers, but I think Sub-light Drives have broader use and bigger impact.

I debated giving Bulrathi Auto Repair but it doesn't really suit them and the idea behind the bombs is to guarantee that they can bust shields to launch planetary invasions. IMO Anti-Matter Bombs are the best bombs in the game. I think giving Mrrshan Scatter Pack V's is actually a decent boost, as Scatter Pack V's are about the best early military tech besides Class V Planetary Shield. The good thing about Scatter Pack Vs is they have both offensive and defensive use.

The Sakkra tech was a no-brainer. I really hate playing Sakkra and missing this tech, it just seems wrong. You could argue that the Human tech is too strong, but IMO playing Human and missing PSV is like being Sakkra and missing Soil Enrichment. 

The Meklar tech is arguably weak, but I wasn't sure what else to give them. I wasn't sure about Silicoids either, but I figures that early RC will help them out. Battle Computers or ECMs didn't really seem worth it. Darloks obviously get a weak tech, but it suits them and I wasn't sure what else made sense.

Good to know. How do you edit save files? I've got an Impossible game right that I have a great start on, with 2 easy Rich worlds and an Artifact world, but it's still impossible to win because the Psilons are dominating. They are right next to me, but the problem is I needed to invade them early but couldn't because I got no Battle Computers until BC4. If I had had BC2 or BC3 I think I could have invaded them, but by the time I got BC4 it was too late. I've got an early save. I'd like see if I put BC2 & 3 in my tech tree if the game would be winnable.

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