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FFH Adventure 9 Potluck Takeover

FFH Adventure 9: Potluck Takeover

"Oh no..."

You look around in horror - you step outside for one moment, and
this is what you come back to? The place is in shambles, there are nasty things everywhere, and just nothing has been done quite right. Worst of all, the neighbours are smirking over the state of things, and seem altogether too keen on making off with the silverware.

It's not unsalvageable - you can sense a hint of what he was thinking, though the execution is entirely wrong. Still, with a bit of elbowgrease you're sure it can be put right.

As you grit your teeth and get to work, you can't help thinking "this is the
last time I ask Minister Koun to take care of things whilst I'm away..."

Your situation:
[Image: yUDsq1K.png]
[Image: sbbgCyk.png]

Special rules:
  • The AI has had 200 turns to play in this world, with limited settlers, always peace, and raging barbarians to keep everyone in check. You are taking over as the Leader/Civ combination of your choice, with no further instructions - do with this nation what you will!
  • Please post in the thread below (or message me privately) the Leader/Civ combination you wish to play as (including ones already present in the game), and I will post a save with that combination for you to use. I can also 'roll' you a random one if you desire.
  • The point of this adventure is to have fun, so there isn't strict scoring. However, everyone who plays the adventure to a conclusion (or for 150 turns, whichever is shorter) will receive one star, everyone who wins recieves a second star, and everyone who scores the fastest win in their category (Domination, Conquest, Culture, Altar, or Tower) will receive a coveted third star. Three stars will entitle you to a cameo in the next Adventure I run.
  • This adventure will run for 6-8 weeks. I will no longer post more saves from the 16th of June, and it will close for scoring purposes on the 30th of June. I'm comfortable with people posting reports at any time, even before the 16th of June (I trust everyone not to open threads until you've completed your game), but you don't need to post a report in order to score.
Note: as part of the transition of power, all remnants of the former administration will be removed. This means any buildings will be replaced by their equivalents, any heroes removed (the unit and existing promotions/experience will remain), great person points/tech progress reset, etc. I have also removed the 'No Settlers' and 'Always Peace' options.

Installation: as noted, this is the first Adventure to be played on the ExtraModMod game mode. My summary of changes, including links to the changelog, can be found here. Please find the installation instructions here.

Detailed information:
  • The tech situation:
    [Image: T40AD9a.png][Image: m3PZoCO.png]
  • Your cities:
    [Image: Q4cPApT.png][Image: pdmOBCf.png][Image: ERqfdUD.png][Image: 2GHZFFX.png][Image: RczoFLj.png]
  • Indicative neighbour:
    [Image: MPCLfGL.png]

Original post:
Kia ora koutou!

Very impressed to see Civ and FFH are still going strong, and Bob's adventures last year inspired me to offer my own. Time commitments mean I can't commit to a SG or a PBEM, so I'll settle for hosting an adventure!

The pitch:
  • Choose your own Civilisation - I will post a start, invite everyone who wants to participate to send me their preferred Civ/Leader combo, and edit in
  • AI Takeover - the AI will have a certain amount to play with each civ before you take it over
  • Barbarian world, possibly barbarian/always peace (until the player takes over) and no settlers - I'm still figuring this out in playtesting, but I want to give a true sandbox for players to work in, not one where the game is already decided
The map will be largely unaltered, just rolled and tested.

I'm also open to suggestions as to what version this is on - Extramodmod, Erebus in the Balance, etc. Personally, I play on EMM for the user experience and AI improvements, even though EitB is (of course) my baby.

Anyway, feedback invited! Please posts below if you'd consider playing this, and any settings feedback you have.

Ngā mihi,
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I'd absolutely play; I haven't played EMM in ages, but would be willing to give it a shot. MNAI would work too, even with the dubious balance and predictable AI. I'd prefer EitB, but am reluctantly forced to conclude that anything that isn't a fairly small map or a sub-Immortal difficulty game is going to eventually become unplayable due to turns taking so long to resolve.

As for specific scenarios, the first two sound fun, with a slight preference for the second. Not exactly sure how the third option would work; I've played plenty of SP games using the No Settlers setting, but always with a very high difficulty and Advanced Start with maximum starting points; AI is almost certainly going to be largely inert otherwise, even with something like MNAI. Turning off city razing would be mandatory as well.

I'd be interested, but I've never played FFH2 before. I guess that means everyone else could play without fear of doing the worst? mischief
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

Just to clarify Bob, I meant all three of those pieces as one scenario, I.e. we start a hundred turns in, with a civ of our choice, in a situation where no settlers have been used.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


No settlers built all game? That caused me to lose interest in Bob's last scenario.

I might try that, but no promess ...

Sounds interesting. I would play. I like EitB but the AI is very bad. MNAI AI is very good, maybe a bit too aggressive but it's a challenge even without going Deity. I haven't played EMM so no preference there.

I also second what Bob said about the world size. The last thing you want to happen is the turn lasting over 5 mins because AI is doing its things after you hit enter.

(April 18th, 2021, 10:13)DaveV Wrote: No settlers built all game? That caused me to lose interest in Bob's last scenario.

My intention is that we have that setting on until we take over - so that we can each choose where our cities (after the first ones) go.

Auro, I think that's only the case on EitB because it lacks the updated MNAI work that EMM has. My laptop is very crappy but I've played several Huge games for hundreds of turns without facing that problem.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Ah, good catch. My experience with slow AI play is only from EitB. Now that I think of it I remember playing huge games with MNAI without problems years ago (I had forgotten about that). So in that case the world size is not a problem.

I'd be interested. Which mod exactly would be used if we use EMM? CivFanatics has the original which isn't being developed, and one called Extramodmod Continued, which mostly seems to be bugfixes.

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