Suede and his civ3 community developed a new training app for civ 3 that has city settlement puzzles, worker micro puzzles, and a never-ending combat odds game, which lets you guess what the odds of a combat are and then given those odds, whether it is a favorable hammer trade. It's surprising to see how active the civ3 multiplayer community has become again.
It would be really interesting if RB could collectively make something like this for civ 4, especially since we have just so many more interesting mechanics in 4.
Suede and his civ3 community developed a new training app for civ 3 that has city settlement puzzles, worker micro puzzles, and a never-ending combat odds game, which lets you guess what the odds of a combat are and then given those odds, whether it is a favorable hammer trade. It's surprising to see how active the civ3 multiplayer community has become again.
It would be really interesting if RB could collectively make something like this for civ 4, especially since we have just so many more interesting mechanics in 4.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman
- William Tecumseh Sherman