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Civ4 Pitboss / DirectIP multiplayer savegames

Does anybody know if they are interchangeable? I've tried and they looked so; I mean, I started a pitboss game, saved as a pitboss savegame and then loaded it for a directIP session without the pitboss server. Saved again from the normal multiplayer game with DirectIP and loaded that save in the pitboss server. No issues, it worked.
Except it didn't work in another game I'm currently in. Now it looks like the save works for DirectIP game without the pitboss server but goes OOS each time a turn is finished with the pitboss server.
Any idea / trick / things to be careful about when changing from normal multiplayer to pitboss games?
Thanks in advance.

Did the server crashs at turn end?
Are DLL changes from the pbmod involved?

Background of my questions is:
I added a barrier to prevent PB-Saves from loading as Normal MP game as cheating prevention. Maybe this is a side effect, because I changed the setReady method?!

void CvInitCore::setReady(PlayerTypes eID, bool bReady)
    /* PBMOD
     * Note/Bug: If multiplayer save is loaded by Main Menu>Direct IP>Load Game
     * mode is not GAMEMODE_PITBOSS as you might expect.
     * Moreover, m_eType is GAME_MP_LOAD and get[Pbem|Hotseat] is false.
     * Thus, you can not use mode or type to blockade loading of PB/PBEM Saves.
    if( bReady && m_bPitbossSave && !gDLL->IsPitbossHost() ){
        //Hey, the user try to load a PB game locally...
    }else if( bReady && m_bPbemOrHotseatSave ){
        //Hey, the user try to load a PBEM/Hotseat game over Direct IP...

If this is really the reason you cloud load the game by DirectIP and then remove the admin password. Then save the game, load it by Pitboss-Server and set a password again.

(August 26th, 2023, 10:02)Ramkhamhaeng Wrote: Did the server crashs at turn end?
Are DLL changes from the pbmod involved?

Background of my questions is:
I added a barrier to prevent PB-Saves from loading as Normal MP game as cheating prevention. Maybe this is a side effect, because I changed the setReady method?!

void CvInitCore::setReady(PlayerTypes eID, bool bReady)
    /* PBMOD
     * Note/Bug: If multiplayer save is loaded by Main Menu>Direct IP>Load Game
     * mode is not GAMEMODE_PITBOSS as you might expect.
     * Moreover, m_eType is GAME_MP_LOAD and get[Pbem|Hotseat] is false.
     * Thus, you can not use mode or type to blockade loading of PB/PBEM Saves.
    if( bReady && m_bPitbossSave && !gDLL->IsPitbossHost() ){
        //Hey, the user try to load a PB game locally...
    }else if( bReady && m_bPbemOrHotseatSave ){
        //Hey, the user try to load a PBEM/Hotseat game over Direct IP...

If this is really the reason you cloud load the game by DirectIP and then remove the admin password. Then save the game, load it by Pitboss-Server and set a password again.

No Ramkh, no pitboss mod involved in this case. I was just wondering if in a normal mp or pitboss game the savegames are interchangeable. Sometimes the game goes OOS when switching from one type to the other, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't understand why.

Did you use in one of the games the timer?

(August 28th, 2023, 02:21)Ramkhamhaeng Wrote: Did you use in one of the games the timer?

No, no timer in our game. I think I noticed that sometimes when switching from DirectIP to Pitboss game, it goes OOS. I thought it might depend if all the players have ended their turn or not, but I'm not sure.

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