I've been toying with the idea for awhile now of sponsoring a PB here with very unique settings/map. I've been hampered a bit by my general lack of mapmaking skill, but also by a lack of focus on what would be most interesting to play. This would be a smaller game - a 4-6 player PB, basically. This is not a signup thread yet.
In general, I want to sponsor (and watch) a game that would be significantly different from much of anything we've done. There are 3 concepts I'm kicking around, and I'm creating this thread mostly to solicit feedback on which of my nuttier ideas, if any, are worth me spending real time on to hopefully result in a signup thread in a TBD future month. I'll create this with a poll that allows for multiple voting options. I'm mostly looking for how many - if any - would be interested in actually playing such games.
Pitch 1: Vaguely trolly barbarian-focused mystery box. This would be a "normal game" except on a map that throws some weird twists at you. This would be a map that makes no explicit promises of fairness or realism, but instead leans into the chaotic. Basically this is the infamous "barbarian subs" incident except turned into a real game. Probably without actual barbarian subs, but maybe only just short of that. Serious barbarian and map shenanigans for sure. I'm being vague because I have some specific ideas here.
Pitch 2: King of the Hill. This would be a game with a pre-placed barbarian city in a roughly central-ish location. The first player to capture and hold the city for a set length of time (say, 20-40T) wins the game. No other victory conditions matter at all. The map and some of the settings would be designed around making this reasonably fair.
Pitch 3: Victory Points. This would be a game with a scoring system, similar to some of the Adventures/Epics we've run here in the past. The concept would involve a scoring target as well as a list of objectives worth X points, and the first player to achieve the scoring target wins the game. Scoring system would be designed around an approximately planned game length. Again, no other victory conditions matter.
I've put some thought into each of these and have rough ideas of where to take them, but I'm hoping here to get a gauge on what sounds most interesting to play in order to decide which idea to spend time refining into something real in the future. So please vote for as many options in the poll as fit you, personally. If the actual number of people interested in playing such games is too low, then I just won't bother. More detailed feedback in the form of replies would be great.
In general, I want to sponsor (and watch) a game that would be significantly different from much of anything we've done. There are 3 concepts I'm kicking around, and I'm creating this thread mostly to solicit feedback on which of my nuttier ideas, if any, are worth me spending real time on to hopefully result in a signup thread in a TBD future month. I'll create this with a poll that allows for multiple voting options. I'm mostly looking for how many - if any - would be interested in actually playing such games.
Pitch 1: Vaguely trolly barbarian-focused mystery box. This would be a "normal game" except on a map that throws some weird twists at you. This would be a map that makes no explicit promises of fairness or realism, but instead leans into the chaotic. Basically this is the infamous "barbarian subs" incident except turned into a real game. Probably without actual barbarian subs, but maybe only just short of that. Serious barbarian and map shenanigans for sure. I'm being vague because I have some specific ideas here.
Pitch 2: King of the Hill. This would be a game with a pre-placed barbarian city in a roughly central-ish location. The first player to capture and hold the city for a set length of time (say, 20-40T) wins the game. No other victory conditions matter at all. The map and some of the settings would be designed around making this reasonably fair.
Pitch 3: Victory Points. This would be a game with a scoring system, similar to some of the Adventures/Epics we've run here in the past. The concept would involve a scoring target as well as a list of objectives worth X points, and the first player to achieve the scoring target wins the game. Scoring system would be designed around an approximately planned game length. Again, no other victory conditions matter.
I've put some thought into each of these and have rough ideas of where to take them, but I'm hoping here to get a gauge on what sounds most interesting to play in order to decide which idea to spend time refining into something real in the future. So please vote for as many options in the poll as fit you, personally. If the actual number of people interested in playing such games is too low, then I just won't bother. More detailed feedback in the form of replies would be great.