A couple of notes for everyone:
Meverah does not yet have Factions, can't get it at the moment for financial reasons and would love to get it. The whole Dragonfest event thing is just salt in the wound as far as I can see. This is essentially why I was asking in game if people had any spare preorder keys, seeing as I had a jade orb surplus and figured there was a possibility that those keys might work, at least long enough to bag a mask and have a look around. Somehow I doubt it, but it was worth a shot.
Well, it's too late to say, "Um that sounds like a scam."

All I can say is,
call this a learning experience. Scams work sometimes on naïveté, sometimes on greed. This might sound harsh, but in your case it seems your greed for the new chapter blinded you to any negative consequences stemming from handing over something you valued to a player who you had only been in communication with for a week.
Next time you cross paths with someone asking for something it might pay to relay the 'deal' on the guild and alliance channels. I might be sounding a little elitist here, but many of us have spent enough time in Guild Wars and Diablo etc. to sniff out a shady deal. Some of us have probably had close contact with past victims or may have been the victim ourselves. Trusting a player you've communicated with for a week with a gift of 30K gold and expecting a Factions key in return is pretty dodgy to outside appearances.
Another thing that struck me before you got scammed was the character name. You might have picked up on a little aloofness from me when you were talking about this guy interested in joining our guild. Well, part of my cautious responses were due to reading "S Snastydfb". You remember I asked what it stood for and said "Spiteful Spirit nasty death from..."? Right after I asked that and just before you reported that he had told you it didn't stand for anything, I mentally filled in the blank with Spiteful Spirit Nasty Death From Behind".
I don't normally read so much into names, but I was certain I didn't want to throw out 100g without first partying up with this one.
One last thing to note. In my job showing movies to people it's easy to screw up and mangle a show. A thing to remember is a projectionist is not flying a passenger aircraft and we won't have snffed out 200 lives from a mistake.
The modified version for GW goes like this: You lost 30K. What is it really? It's game gold. A bit of farming to recoup and NOTHING ELSE LOST BUT YOUR PRIDE. It's going to piss you off now, but you still have your characters and you still have your contacts (who you've had much fun with in the past). When you want to take advantage of it, you will also still have the rest of your new guild for more recreational fun.

Don't worry about the 30K. Now that the Factions novelty has worn off we'll probably start turning back to FoW groups and SF and if you join us in those you'll soon find that 30K accumulates before too long when you start selling Obsidian Shards or green item drops. 8)