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Immortal variant? Already? Yep. Good luck!
I can't ever remember opening three events on the same day before, but records are meant to be broken.
Any questions?
- Sirian
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I am new to the Civ series with Civ IV being the first I've played. I was playing on noble level and experiencing a challenge while still managing to rack a win in each of the victory types. After reading on some walkthroughs (Sulla, and Kylarean mostly) I had begun to play on Prince level. I was doing well on it also, about as good as noble. Within the past week, I have begun to play on Monarch level. I played one game that I survived to the late 1900s until Elizabeth took a space race victory... but I survived!  and then I played a second game where I was started in the middle and surrounded by 6 civs! That ended badly before AD hit. I am currently in my third Monarch level game. It was generated with only myself and two other civs, Ghandi, and Hyuna Capac. I am ahead of Ghandi, and close on Hyuna's tail score wise. So after all that yapping, the heart of my post is this... how do I make the walkthroughs like you guys do on this site? I want to post a walkthrough of this epic and have people read and criticize it. I could use the input on how to better my game.  How do you get the screen shots and do you narrate while playing? Or after? 8)
When I play my personal games, btw, I always randomly generate everything. Leader, map, terrain, etc is all randomly generated. I play on Monarch (recently) and Epic speed. Tried marathon once, but that was a little on the boring side. Took WAY too long. Anyway, thanks in advance for any replies, I love this site!
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and welcome to Realms Beyond!
mbuna120 Wrote:Within the past week, I have begun to play on Monarch level. I played one game that I survived to the late 1900s until Elizabeth took a space race victory... but I survived! Congrats!
Quote:how do I make the walkthroughs like you guys do on this site? [...] How do you get the screen shots and do you narrate while playing? Or after?
Regarding the question of reporting style and how/when to narrate what's going on, there have been threads about this topic before which might help you get a feeling how others do this. In the end, you have to find your own style, though...  Take a look here and here for starters.
Regarding the technical sides of taking screenshots, you can either hit the 'print screen' button during play, which causes the game to save a screenshot on your hard drive (I forgot where exactly; I guess in the "My Games\" sub-folder). This method is kind of unreliable though; some pictures won't save. The better method would be to hit the 'print screen' button, then to use alt-tab to switch to a graphics program (MS Paint, or irfanview) and paste the picture into the program to crop and/or save it. Many people have found it useful to play in windowed mode to use alt-tab more easily.
Quote:I want to post a walkthrough of this epic and have people read and criticize it. I could use the input on how to better my game.
That's how I learned to play Civ 3...
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider
August 7th, 2006, 10:48
(This post was last modified: August 7th, 2006, 11:01 by mbuna120.)
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Thank you so much for your quick reply! I will follow the links you provided and see what I can do. Where else am I going to find someone to relate to my early warriors' demise with better than 80% odds?! I love your walkthroughs, keep them up
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Kylearan Wrote:Regarding the technical sides of taking screenshots, you can either hit the 'print screen' button during play, which causes the game to save a screenshot on your hard drive (I forgot where exactly; I guess in the "My Games\" sub-folder). This method is kind of unreliable though; some pictures won't save.
No longer true! This got fixed in the patching. I haven't had a pic fail anywhere in the game in many moons, and we're talking over a thousand shots snapped, zero failures.
I feel good not to be the only one around with a mental image stuck in his mind from previous builds.
- Sirian
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I read the posts on writing reports, but I have a few lingering questions.
How do you create the dotmaps that I read about all the time.
And what format do you write/post in?
how do you post? Just attach your word/wordperfect file to a post?
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mbuna120 Wrote:I read the posts on writing reports, but I have a few lingering questions.
How do you create the dotmaps that I read about all the time.
And what format do you write/post in?
how do you post? Just attach your word/wordperfect file to a post? 
I use two image processing programs. One is an old (and uncomplicated) version of Lview, which I use for cropping and for saving in JPG (or occasionally GIF) format. The other is MS Paint, which I use for adding the dots, arrows, etc, when I want to mark up something.
I write my reports in HTML and host them on my own website, which has been hosted for me on a private server owned by Chairman Kaga for almost a decade now. (Got a bunch of game pages there, all manner of content, thousands of screens and images, dozens and dozens of reports). Most players don't have a benefactor, so have to either pay for their own hosting or use "free" hosting of various kinds, to which ads tend to get attached.
Attaching a word or wordperfect file is the LAST thing you should be doing. Better is just to write your report in forum posts. Best is to set up your own website, though, and learn some basic HTML. That takes some investment. How much to put in to this depends on your level of commitment to it. We are a smaller community than many simply because it really does take work to participate fully here. You can play the games with little or no reporting, though, if you are unable or unwilling to craft polished reports.
- Sirian
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I have a game mechanics answer and a question, to level the playing field between those who play a "practice" game or have other experience with this type of scenario, and those who don't:
1. The tech devaluation formula (see this CFC thread) is such that in a one-on-one game, each civ gets a 15% discount for any tech possessed by the rival. (The discount is actually implemented as a silent 15% increase to beaker production.) The strategic implications are left to the reader, but this permits divination of what techs your rival has (you can't explicitly see them with tech trading turned off.) When you mouseover the research bar, the game shows your per-turn beaker production before the devaluation bonus, but the "turns to research" number *does* factor in that bonus. Careful calculation, including several more potential modifiers as described in that thread, can give you the answer.
2. And now a question: How does diplomacy work? Can you establish good diplomatic relations, or will the rival civ always consider you their worst enemy so there's never any trading possible?
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There's never any trading possible. Now I don't have a clue how Mano y Mano tech trading works but Sirian settled that by turning the tech trading off (check epic rules)
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I am totally stoked about this event. It is the first one since Epic II that will give the player a chance to build in isolation for many turns...and at a high difficulty level to boot. Hopefully everyone (especially the good players, you know who you are) will give some extra details of their opening moves. I plan on compiling them