Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Adventure 10 - Taziar's report

Adventure Ten – Legionnaire

Variant Rules: You may win by any victory condition, but you must have the largest army (most Soldiers, according to the F9 Demographics) when the game ends, to claim your victory for this event.

Well that sounds like a march of legionnaires all across the mountains. Settled on the spot and buit my second city Antium SW of Rome, my third city went to the north in the valley between the hills. With capturing Gepid to the NW of my third city I could settle the lands to the north at my leisure and in the south my second city firmly secured my lands south and east of there.

I never got around to using my legions as I had good enough lands in my starting position. Isabella off course went religion happy here founding Buddhism, Hinduism, Jewism and Christianity. I founded confucianism though and quickly spread it to the germans and english so all but Isa believed in it.

This offcourse led to a war-declaration from spain on me and I quickly got germany in to beating spain aswell. I was stretched on defense though as Iasbella had quite some forces ready (or in other words I was dozing off wink ) and aimed on my holy city Antium. But after dealing with her attack force, while bismarck captured the christian holy city of Toledo, she was going down.

I moved into Cordoba just west of Antium which had been under it’s cultural pressure for ages already. After that I went for isabella’s southern tundra cities capturing 2 cities there securing silver and furs. Then i captured Madrid at to relieve cordoba of Madrid’s have cultural pressure (in retrospect it might have been better to raze Madrid as it got swamped in spanish culture. Time for peace.

At this point i had decided to go for a cultural victory. Too late you say? Well I already had taken most wonders in my first three cities And had gained access to hinduism, buddhism and jewism, while bismarck had gained the christian holy city and spread that like crazy. All my three cities ended up with five religions quite quickly. So all looked good on that front and with about 12 turns to go and most of my cities chruning out infantry in 1-3 turns i fought the game in the bag.

But when i checked out F9 England was growing in power at the same level as me and so it was clear which of us was stronger every turn. Germany on the other hand also growing in power at an equivelant rate was clearly the number one constantly. So my production was going to give me a secure enough victory, Help!

What to do?
Bismarck loved me Victoria liked me well enough and Isabella well what can you say.

So the final move some diplomacy :D
With Victoria:
War with Isabella + Commusnism + WM + 100 Gold for Assembly Line and Medicine

She would declare on bismarck too but I needed Bismarck next:
With Bismarck:
War with Isabella + War with Victoria + WM + 40 Gold for Assembly line

So in 1952 all three of my opponents are at war with eachother.
1952 Newcastle went to Bismarck
1953 Munich to Victoria
1954 Toledo to Isabella (was german)
1955 Toledo back to Bismarck straight on to Victoria
1956 Toledo back to Bismarck again together with Warwick
1958 Toledo to Victoria
1959 Toledo to Bismarck
1960 Antium has achieved Legendary Culture
1961 Toledo to Victoria
1962 Warwick retaken by Victoria
1962 Rome has achieved Legendary Culture
1963 Cumae has achieved Legendary Culture

The romans proud and strong convince the world that considering the magnificent cities it has and the magnifcent armies it has under it’s control should be clearly seen as the most important power ever to rise in these highlands.

Enticing world war in retrospect is kind of a black stain on a cultural victory I think. Well no the romans just have a way with words that bethralls all listeners but who ever told you that the sweet words are any good for you :D

I was not expecting to see any other victory than conquest or domination in this game. You showed that Rome also rocks with culture. Nicely done thumbsup
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen selbst Zwerge einen langen Schatten - Karl Kraus

Hey, a fellow cultural player for this adventure. I wouldn't say Rome really rocks for culture - Caesar's got the worst traits for it besides Aggressive. It's more like Prince difficulty on a tiny map rocks for culture. smile Good job with the win -- that Legionnaire requirement of military size threw in a bit of a wrench even on Prince difficulty.

Do you have any screenshots showing the location of your cultural cities? I'd be interested to see where you built them.

T-hawk Wrote:...that Legionnaire requirement of military size threw in a bit of a wrench even on Prince difficulty.

smile <--- Wrench Thrower!

Fortune favors the bold.

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