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Is Warlords expansion always "raging barbs?"

Ok, so I installed the expansion yesterday evening, and I was a little surprised. I randomize everything on Monarch difficulty and Epic speed, just like the regular game. Are raging barbs on every map all the time? frown I am getting swarmed by so many barbs I can't believe it! But to make matters worse, my units won't gain experience past 10/13!! Why won't they continue to gain experience. I have archers with city defender 3 and they mow down offending axemen and swordsmen alike, smoke but they just wont gain any more exp. Same goes for my horse archers. They are stuck at 10 xp (out of 13 possible) also. :mad: Anyone who knows the answers?



mbuna120 Wrote:But to make matters worse, my units won't gain experience past 10/13!!
You cannot gain more than 10xp against barbarians. That is the same as in vanilla CIV.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

I've found the barbs less of a threat in warlards. But then the only maps i've played on it so far have all involved me having a cramped start.

Barbs haven't changed much. Although, if a nearby civ built the Great Wall, you may be collecting barbs redirected from them to you.

thanks, kylearan, I guess I haven't been playing Civ 4 long enough to know abuot the barb exp cap. tongue But as for... drugged_unholy, I say count yourself lucky! I have started three separate games now, to check out the barb situation. Each time, I have gotten swarms of barbs before I can even get to the tech to make axemen. If you look at the walkthroughs of the epic challenge on Diety with raging barbs, it looks like that, though in warlards, they don't seem to be starting until around 2400 bc., not 3000 bc like the other epic smile but I am into the early AD and I am still being swarmed. Luckily, all the other AIs like me so far. I got two free techs from huts, and one from a friendly new civ, and I am still far behind., though not too far. smile

i couldn't build the great wall. I didn't have a chance to start it for all the defense units i had to build cry

Some maptypes also have more barbs on them than others, looks like your just having bad luck.

Hmm, I didn't know that some maptypes have more barbs... Is it the same way with regular Civ4? Or just the expansion? I've moved up in difficulty settings rather quickly because of watching the masters' walkthroughs, but I still don't know a lot of the intricacies I suppose. Perhaps then I HAVE just been unlucky with map choice from randomization...

It's not entirely accurate to say that different map types have more barbs than others, but that's on the right track. Basically, barbs spawn wherever there are unrevealed tiles in the fog of war. The more blackness out there, the more barbs you're going to see. So on a Huge map game, for ANY map type, there's going to be a lot more barbs than if you're on a Tiny map with a cramped start.

I hope that makes sense. smile (I don't believe there are major changes to barbs in Warlords, just one or two small tweaks.)
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I guess it's not QUITE as bad as diety/raging barbs, but here's my game so far rolleye and

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