Hey, I'm new to this board, and have started playing Diablo again. I pretty much just play Ironman exclusively, solo or party. I'm on (Username Keithioapc) most days at 7:30 Atlantic time (6:30 Eastern) on USEAST or USWEST, and would love play some 2 or 3 player Ironman.
My last solo attempt was made as a warrior, my third warrior attempt in a row. The previous two had problems with a certain undead skeleton king, but this time round I found a nifty staff of firewall. Poor Leoric got roasted (After I put 27 into magic, bah), and he gave me a nifty broad sword, +49% dmg +6% to hit. I shortly got a ring that gave ne +8str, then leveled so I could now equip the sword (32+8 str).
Things were all fine and dandy for a while, until DLvl 8 Clvl 16. Some would say I was killed by three Illusion Weavers, Four Mud Chargers, a little lag and a stingy potion finger. The truth of the matter was that I was killed by only finding a total of two ID scrolls, both of which I used up on those items on level three. Sitting in my inventory was an unid Shadowhawk (4-12 dmg, +15% to hit, +5% res all, 5% life steal, -20% light radius), a better str ring (+11 str) and a +17% to hit ring. The shield I was using turned out to give +32 hp when ID'd, and my armor gave +13% res all. I used four goat shrines in a desperate attempt to get an ID all shrine, but all four were "Where avarice fails, paitience gains reward"... Oh wellz.
So, if any of you guys want to save me from the agony that is playing single player Ironman (Sorcerer next, fun fun fun!) send me a whisper some time ;p.
Edit'd : Well, my solo mage managed to roast the butcher with a scroll of firewall and several firebolts. He then proceeded to kill the skeleton king with a barrage of SLvl 4 holy bolts. Then in the insult of all insults he was killed by a skeleton hero boss while still on floor 3, :mad: . Better than getting killed by an explosive barrel at least though
My last solo attempt was made as a warrior, my third warrior attempt in a row. The previous two had problems with a certain undead skeleton king, but this time round I found a nifty staff of firewall. Poor Leoric got roasted (After I put 27 into magic, bah), and he gave me a nifty broad sword, +49% dmg +6% to hit. I shortly got a ring that gave ne +8str, then leveled so I could now equip the sword (32+8 str).
Things were all fine and dandy for a while, until DLvl 8 Clvl 16. Some would say I was killed by three Illusion Weavers, Four Mud Chargers, a little lag and a stingy potion finger. The truth of the matter was that I was killed by only finding a total of two ID scrolls, both of which I used up on those items on level three. Sitting in my inventory was an unid Shadowhawk (4-12 dmg, +15% to hit, +5% res all, 5% life steal, -20% light radius), a better str ring (+11 str) and a +17% to hit ring. The shield I was using turned out to give +32 hp when ID'd, and my armor gave +13% res all. I used four goat shrines in a desperate attempt to get an ID all shrine, but all four were "Where avarice fails, paitience gains reward"... Oh wellz.
So, if any of you guys want to save me from the agony that is playing single player Ironman (Sorcerer next, fun fun fun!) send me a whisper some time ;p.

Edit'd : Well, my solo mage managed to roast the butcher with a scroll of firewall and several firebolts. He then proceeded to kill the skeleton king with a barrage of SLvl 4 holy bolts. Then in the insult of all insults he was killed by a skeleton hero boss while still on floor 3, :mad: . Better than getting killed by an explosive barrel at least though