Hey all, Was at Target picking up odds and ends when I saw they had this in stock. Was perfectly happy with vanilla Civ 4, but have been tempted with the new units, GG, buildings, wonders and civs. So what the heck- I tossed it in the cart.
Started up a random map game, with Churchhill (so many new civs and attributes-- fun!).
Of course I built all the new Wonders just because I could- the Great Wall is pretty cool actually.
Love the Trebs which counterbalance city defender Longbows much better. England's new building is ok, but a +15% bonus bank is not one of the better unique buildings. Great General (got two so far) are fun- I used my in the field for a super fun time happy stack. Lost my first one to a really bad roll of the dice. Grr.
The senarios look like fun too, although I am not a fan of turn limited senarios in general.
So far, it's worth the money. I can't wait to get home and play some more. I even have my own Vassle state and everything. Poor Mansa, you really didn't think I was going to let you tech your way to space did you?
Started up a random map game, with Churchhill (so many new civs and attributes-- fun!).
Of course I built all the new Wonders just because I could- the Great Wall is pretty cool actually.
Love the Trebs which counterbalance city defender Longbows much better. England's new building is ok, but a +15% bonus bank is not one of the better unique buildings. Great General (got two so far) are fun- I used my in the field for a super fun time happy stack. Lost my first one to a really bad roll of the dice. Grr.
The senarios look like fun too, although I am not a fan of turn limited senarios in general.
So far, it's worth the money. I can't wait to get home and play some more. I even have my own Vassle state and everything. Poor Mansa, you really didn't think I was going to let you tech your way to space did you?