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The best ways to get better

So what do you all think are the best ways to get better at civ 4?

I know of one way. Play a few games with a small Pangaea (high sea level), and 18 civs (on marathon). It greatly helps your diplomacy skills, and how to stay current in tech. It also helps you to become better at understand how important micromanaging is (although most people dont like it, it is easier like this because you only end up with a few cities)

So any other ideas?
Civ 4 music has a tendency to make one feel
:2dance: MANLY! :aar: *pimp* crown guitar smoke rant

Make a multiplayer account and join the ladder. smile
C4P Ladder Player

Genghis Khan II Wrote:So what do you all think are the best ways to get better at civ 4?
I'd suggest reading the reports by experts here and playing in some events yourself.

That's what worked for me, taking me from struggling on Monarch to ... struggling on Monarch in Adventure 11. smile

Play a PBEM (play by email) game on a team with someone who is better than you are - or about the same level - and ask lots of questions about why they are doing such and such.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

How I've gotten better (such a relative term, that... though I suppose it is a comfort to know that it is possible to be worse at this game than I am now):

Teaching myself to stop more often to think about what's going on (rather than letting momentum coast my game into trouble).

Playing scrimmages, where I allow myself to concentrate on a single aspect of the game, to understand it in fuller detail (games where I try to generate as many priests as possible, or play the start as a 1CC without that option turned on; the latter has been something of a surprise).

My latest approach has been using the quickstart feature: I've got the game set for Monarch difficulty, Fractal maps, Raging Barbs, and I play to about the point where I found my first city, to get a feel for the combination of the leader and the start I should use. This one hasn't been so encouraging - it seems that if I want to win the race to that juicy spot for a second city, the tech order is pretty much fixed.

For a while, I was using GreatPlains rather than fractal - the starting positions are very different in character, so it provides the illusion of getting lots of different variations even for a single leader. Alas, I find that the positions are too extreme to believe the exercise has much value on those maps.

As well as reading experienced players' reports, I'd say the most important thing is to practice. Practice, practice, practice.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Teaching myself to stop more often to think about what's going on (rather than letting momentum coast my game into trouble)..
This happens to me, be methodical, do not get in a hurry.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Playing scrimmages, where I allow myself to concentrate on a single aspect of the game, to understand it in fuller detail

I play games like this sometime, if I hit Liberalism first or the Great Merchant at Ecnomics I stop cause the game is probably won, it is just a matter of playing it out.

I can also recommend reading some SGs since people generally explain their thought process in a pretty detailed fashion since it is only 10 turns, this is probably more useful than Epic/Adventure reports since those often concentrate on grand strategy, while SGs concentrate more on tactics (small scale stuff). Along this line, play in an SG or two since you only play 10 turns you can really concentrate on your turns.

For example this SG really hashes out the differences/advantages/weaknesses between Caste System and Slavery and offers two very different strategies for going at the tech tree, each dependent on the goal

Other SGs will be able to illustrate other things depending on the participants strengths at playing cIV, style etc.

You could also read some of the strat articles at Civ Fanatics Forum, but it can be hit and miss there, some threads will not be very... helpful, while others will be. Some will be very mathmatical, others not depending your comfort with that.
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

I think to get better can be definitily done by joining the ladder and playing some multiplayer with good players. But playing some rb games and reading reports from experts is big help too.

What I meant is that, assuming you are already practicing, how should you practice to help you improve in certain areas.

Here is another one: Play a pangaea map with always peace, and only a domination victory alowed (time is off). How would you win? Well, the only possible way is to take over the world through culture, and expansion. I intend on playing a game like this after I finnish my others.
Civ 4 music has a tendency to make one feel
:2dance: MANLY! :aar: *pimp* crown guitar smoke rant

Genghis Khan II Wrote:What I meant is that, assuming you are already practicing, how should you practice to help you improve in certain areas.

Here is another one: Play a pangaea map with always peace, and only a domination victory alowed (time is off). How would you win? Well, the only possible way is to take over the world through culture, and expansion. I intend on playing a game like this after I finnish my others.
Well here is an SG I and few other just finished doing exactly what you mention here and Ruff_Hi played a mirror game here

basically what you do is spam settlers, try and monopolize relegions, build wonders and cathedrals in border cities tech up to Free Speech civic and then turn off research max artists in all cities, max culture slider and start building "wedge" cities, if you read the thread you will understand, and start spaming missionaries and settling artists in those cities to flip cities. We flipped two capitals before achieving Domination. Also do not sign Open borders.

As for getting better, i don't have much else to say, learn from others' mistakes and sucesses smile
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

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