Part I - The Opening
Here is the start for the Americans:
![[Image: epic8startei7.jpg]](
There are two warriors
! Thanks Sirian.
I scout with both warriors and start another warrior at Washington for a reason I still don't know.
After scouting around for a while, I find this:
Tundra! I guess I am an American northerner.
![[Image: epic8ceaser3820evn9.jpg]](
Some turns later I find this man, he says he is Caesar of the Romans, ok whatever. He doesn't look that bad. During the next thousand years I meet all of the other civs.
After a few more years I have scouted out what appears to by my terretory in the Northwest. I come up with this preliminary dotmapTM:
The second city will grab 2 silks, gold, and be fed by some tasty clams. City number 3 will be great down the road for commerce with all of the flatland to be fed by sheep and corn with wine for more commerce as well as stone, never a bad thing for an industrious civ. My fourth city will grab some good resources and be a decent production city with hills, plains, horses, and wheat to feed them. Plus more stone
. City 5 will be a great fishing village with access to some land tiles for some production and ivory for happiness.
Soon, my scouts find this abomination:
What a horribly large Barb City, and so early too. Has Sirian been having too much fun with the Worldbuilder?
New York is founded in 2500BC:
I find out the same turn when BW comes in that NY has bronze too, yay! I revolt to slavery a few turns later.
Then I see this!
A barb city has appeared in my rightful territory! :mad: They will pay for this great insult to the American people
! This puts greater urgency on hooking up the metal!
I get IW and the great resource gods have smiled upon me
! Iron at Washington YAY!
Now this is a serious problem:
:mad: Tokugawa has placed a city taking New York's clams before it could reach them, time for culture!
![[Image: civ4screenshotbarbdiescp7.jpg]](
The Barbs die to the blade of my swords. Somehow they have accumulated 133 gold which I take before burning the city to the ground.
Now, before I move on to the next big event I will give my opening plays to whoever is looking for them.
Build Order: Warrior --> Settler --> Warrior --> Worker --> Settler
Tech Path: AH --> Wheel --> Mining --> BW --> IW --> Hunting --> Archery
Now, after this slow start, I began to build up some military, swords and axes. Why, Caesar is on my border and I would like to kill him before his Praets really get going. The war Begins:
My axes and swords walk right up to Rome and find it surprisingly unprotected. Caesar is protecting his capital with 2 Archers and a Spear
. The result is not surprising:
![[Image: civ4screenshotromefallsebh4.jpg]](
I take Rome, and with it the Pyramids! I would guess that given the start, I am the only FDR player who failed to get the Pyramids but then captured them
! After putting up a decent fight a Cumae, a norther city on a hill, Caesar loses the city and it is razed for 74 gold. He then comes to me and gives me Polytheism for Peace. I accept as my economy is sandbagging.
Using the last of my gold from Caesar's cities, I deficit research alphabet. Then I pull some crazy tech trades to pull me up from dead last. First, this from Hatty:
![[Image: alphabettradingeyk9.jpg]](
Then, I get Sailing and 200 gold from Lizzy, 220 gold and Math from Mao, then Saladin trades me Calendar for Alphabet and 280 gold, then Mansa gives me Monarchy for Alphabet and 80 gold. In total, one 672 beaker tech for 2593 beakers in techs and a net 60 gold! Some catchup there
Not much happens at all other than the map filling up until this in 710AD:
![[Image: hanginggardensehi0.jpg]](
This is the end of Part I of Galileo44's Epic 8 Report
Here is the start for the Americans:
![[Image: epic8startei7.jpg]](
There are two warriors

I scout with both warriors and start another warrior at Washington for a reason I still don't know.
After scouting around for a while, I find this:
![[Image: epic8tundraemq0.jpg]](
Tundra! I guess I am an American northerner.
![[Image: epic8ceaser3820evn9.jpg]](
Some turns later I find this man, he says he is Caesar of the Romans, ok whatever. He doesn't look that bad. During the next thousand years I meet all of the other civs.
After a few more years I have scouted out what appears to by my terretory in the Northwest. I come up with this preliminary dotmapTM:
![[Image: epic8dotmap2yv9.jpg]](
The second city will grab 2 silks, gold, and be fed by some tasty clams. City number 3 will be great down the road for commerce with all of the flatland to be fed by sheep and corn with wine for more commerce as well as stone, never a bad thing for an industrious civ. My fourth city will grab some good resources and be a decent production city with hills, plains, horses, and wheat to feed them. Plus more stone

Soon, my scouts find this abomination:
![[Image: civ4screenshotbigbarbcityoc8.jpg]](

New York is founded in 2500BC:
![[Image: civ4screenshot0011lg4.jpg]](
I find out the same turn when BW comes in that NY has bronze too, yay! I revolt to slavery a few turns later.
Then I see this!
![[Image: civ4screenshot0013yt5.jpg]](
A barb city has appeared in my rightful territory! :mad: They will pay for this great insult to the American people

I get IW and the great resource gods have smiled upon me

![[Image: civ4screenshot0014xk3.jpg]](
Now this is a serious problem:
![[Image: civ4screenshot0015mi5.jpg]](
:mad: Tokugawa has placed a city taking New York's clams before it could reach them, time for culture!
![[Image: civ4screenshotbarbdiescp7.jpg]](
The Barbs die to the blade of my swords. Somehow they have accumulated 133 gold which I take before burning the city to the ground.
Now, before I move on to the next big event I will give my opening plays to whoever is looking for them.
Build Order: Warrior --> Settler --> Warrior --> Worker --> Settler
Tech Path: AH --> Wheel --> Mining --> BW --> IW --> Hunting --> Archery
Now, after this slow start, I began to build up some military, swords and axes. Why, Caesar is on my border and I would like to kill him before his Praets really get going. The war Begins:
![[Image: civ4screenshot0017xd0.jpg]](
My axes and swords walk right up to Rome and find it surprisingly unprotected. Caesar is protecting his capital with 2 Archers and a Spear

![[Image: civ4screenshotromefallsebh4.jpg]](
I take Rome, and with it the Pyramids! I would guess that given the start, I am the only FDR player who failed to get the Pyramids but then captured them

Using the last of my gold from Caesar's cities, I deficit research alphabet. Then I pull some crazy tech trades to pull me up from dead last. First, this from Hatty:
![[Image: alphabettradingeyk9.jpg]](
Then, I get Sailing and 200 gold from Lizzy, 220 gold and Math from Mao, then Saladin trades me Calendar for Alphabet and 280 gold, then Mansa gives me Monarchy for Alphabet and 80 gold. In total, one 672 beaker tech for 2593 beakers in techs and a net 60 gold! Some catchup there

Not much happens at all other than the map filling up until this in 710AD:
![[Image: hanginggardensehi0.jpg]](
This is the end of Part I of Galileo44's Epic 8 Report
Currently on Emperor in CIV
"Eppur si muove"
"Eppur si muove"