No offense to either Clovis or skiaplg, but as relatively new (or even not so new) members of the community, it is important to know the background to certain things before commenting on them.
If you toiled your way though the entire Scenarios thread, you probably would have read information that probably would have stopped you from posting this thread.
Several people (myself included) have submitted various scenarios in hopes of allowing the community to move on. Sirian's real life matters are preventing him from committing time to the RB community. That alone is a good enough reason not to ever come back, in my opinion.
Honestly, nobody could design scenarios the way Sirian has. Everyone has a different way of designing scenarios. In my opinion, sooooo is an excellent scenario designer; much better than what I could ever do. It wasn't a good idea to suggest sooooo hasn't already volunteered to help out. If he can't design scenarios like Sirian can, nobody can.
This post itself is getting rather lengthy and it is more of an expression of my thoughts than anything else. I consider myself relatively new to the community in comparison to others. If anyone is offended by my comments, please do not take it personally. With the addition of Griselda's latest comment, I think that rather than inquiring into the status of Sirian, we should anticipate in silence and find other means to keep ourselves busy.