I certainly do allow emails - I guess that they're just not currently enabled through the forum software. I'll go ahead and make a profile change to enable that and private messages (although email is a much preferred method of contact).
Sponsoring an Epic/Adventure
If you are interested in sponsoring one of our games, what you need to do is type up a game proposal for submission. This should include everything that normally gets posted on the game listing for each event; check out
this link to Epic One's page, for example. Any rules and scoring should be well thought out, preferrably with an explanation as to why they exist the way they do. Those of you who remember how the Civ3 process worked should know that a well-designed concept has a much better chance of gaining approval than a game idea still in the formulative stage!
You should send two copies of the game proposal out, one to me and one to Griselda. The proposal may be approved "as is", or we may send it back with suggestions for improving various elements. Depending on the current crop of games running, approved games may have to wait for some time before actually seeing the light of day. Don't take this as an affront to your idea; we simply have to make sure that the submitted game fits with the schedule of Normal/Gentle/Extreme games, as well as with a rotation of map sizes/types and leaders.
If your proposal gets the green light, only THEN should you generate a map and save file. It would be a good idea to either play a fair amount of turns as a test game or open up the Worldbuilder/debug mode to ensure that the map generated fits with the overall spirit of the game. We'd prefer to avoid any Civ3 Epic 14 dud starts if possible.
And that's pretty much the way it works. You can feel free to post any additional questions in this thread if desired. I anticipate that the community will be coming up with a lot of our future game ideas, so feel free to use your creativity.