Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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DIABLO Walks the Earth

The title says it all , Game is CB the PW is qq West realm ladder will keep it open as long as possible , I have spawned him at Treehead Woodfists tree house. Any company gladly accepted. :war: :axe: :war:

Bam Bam has joined so now 2 mainly cold sorcies with a Lower res stick between them have found they can get him to 1/2 life and keep him there for a painfull bit of time. In search of a tank!! :war: hammer :axe:

Yeah--just adding to second Cb-13's status report. He's big and bad! Tanks are our friends. wink

The Diablo clone was slain by 3 Sorcys Bam-Orb, Cbs-orbit, and the Enchantress Shantalaeh who equiped Blackthorns face to deliver a lethal dose of PMH , Wand of lower resist helped to make him feel the pain .
Many deaths, and well over a millon gold in Merc ressing and pots. Orbit and her merc were able to tele in directly next to the clone with maxed resists and miss the brunt of the LBoD and slowly whittle him down while artillery was supplied all around. :war: :D hammer

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