It looks like we will have a decent showing of players tonight. The winning part I don't know about.
PAL's latest, which is also being run by many other guilds.
W/A Enraging Charge, Penetrating Blow, Dismember, Protector's Strike, Frenzy, Executioner's Strike, Shadow Prison, Res Sig
Me/E GoLE, Energy burn, Wastrel's Desmite, SHatter Enchant, Diversion, Shame, Power Block, Res Sig
Me/Mo Expel Hexes, Shame, Diversion, Wastrel's Demise, Energy Burn, Shatter Enchantment, Res Chant, 1 more
E/Mo Blinding Surge, Air Attunement, Draw Conditions, Lightning Strike, Lightning Orb, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Convert Hexes, Res
Rt/E Storm Djinn, Ancestors Rage, Splinter Weapon, Wielder's strike, Weapon of Remedy, Weapon of Warging, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Res
Mo/A LoD/Infuse
Mo/E Shield of Deflection (or RC) with Aegis
Mo/E ZB Flagger with Aegis
We can do something differently, or not a build at all. But the point is that hexes/aegis have killed the kind of balanced pressure us and Basin have been trying to run. You either bring dual expel/mirror of disenchant, dual fire ele, or play 3-2-1 spike.