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Next GvG build

Axe: 16 (+4); Strength: 9 (+1); Tactics: 11 (+1)
Rush, Frenzy, Eviscerate, Executioner's Strike, Bull's Strike, Shock, Heal Sig, Res Sig

Crit: 13 (+1); Dagger: 13 (+2); Deadly: 7 (+1)
Shadow Prison, Black Lotus Strike, Twisting Fangs, Black Spider Strike, Horns of the Ox, Tiger Stance, Recall, Res Sig

Crit: 13 (+1); Dagger: 13 (+2); Deadly: 7 (+1)
Shadow Prison, Black Lotus Strike, Twisting Fangs, Black Spider Strike, Horns of the Ox, Tiger Stance, Recall, Res Sig

Dom: 14 (+2); FC: 10 (+1); Insp: 10 (+1)
Mantra of Recovery, Diversion, Shame, Power Leak, Power Drain, Shatter Enchant, Mirror of Disenchantment, Res Chant

Air: 14 (+2); Earth: 9 (+1); E Storage: 11 (+1); Prot: 2
Blinding Surge, Gale, Lightning Orb, Air Attunement, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Ward Against Foes, Draw Conditions, Res Sig

Water: 14 (+2); E Storage: 10 (+1); Prot: 9
Freezing Gust, Ice Spikes, Armor of Mist, Shield of Regeneration, Mending Touch, Aegis, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Res Sig

Prot: 14 (+2); DF (+1): 11; Heal: 8
Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Shield of Absorption, Divert Hexes, Dismiss Condition, Spirit Bond, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Aegis

Heal: 14 (+2); Prot: 8; DF: 11 (+1); Shadow: 2
Dwayna's Kiss, Protective Spirit, Reversal of Fortune, Light of Deliverence, Infuse Health, Dismiss Condition, Holy Veil, Return

Edit: build copied from Virtual Dragons [vD]. Added attributes.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Only 2 copies of Aegis? And one of those is on the flagger. So we are not going to have a full Aegis chain?

And personally i would put a hard rez on the blind-bot as well. Especially since the mesmer is often the prime target of the enemy. We don't want our hard-rezzer going down all the time and waste all our rez signets on that.

Further do both assassins go off for a gank at the same time?

DamadmOO Wrote:Only 2 copies of Aegis? And one of those is on the flagger. So we are not going to have a full Aegis chain?
We're going to be fighting at the flagstand, which means the flagger should be in Aegis range more often than not.

Quote:And personally i would put a hard rez on the blind-bot as well. Especially since the mesmer is often the prime target of the enemy. We don't want our hard-rezzer going down all the time and waste all our rez signets on that.

Quote:Further do both assassins go off for a gank at the same time?
Yes. I'll explain what I want from them in more detail a bit later.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Ok, so here's what I'm basically looking for from the assassins...

First off, you should notice they don't have any self-healing, which means you absolutely can not engage in a confrontation with the other team inside their base. I've noticed in a lot of replays that the gank will generally wait until the opposing team comes back and starts pressuring them - you can not do that with assassins. As soon as you see someone getting close to you you need to get out of there. Not neccessarily a full retreat, but enough so that you're out of harm's way. If you can pick them off while they're chasing you around then go for it, otherwise don't risk it. Solitude is great for this sort of thing because you can go in an infinite circle out the teleporter and back in through the back gate.

When you're taking out NPCs, you should take turns. Once person does their combo and then recalls back to the other assassin, who then moves in and takes out an NPC then retreats while the other recharges lost health and energy. You basically just keep alternating like that, working your way into the interior of the base. Remember to get rid of archers that will block your escape first, then knights, then the bodyguard (you may be able to take the bodyguard before going after the second knight). I may call for a spike on the guild lord to see if that makes the other team fall back.

Also, take advantage of the thief. If you're being chased around, recall onto the thief and when you go out the teleporter wait for them to follow you out and then recall back - that should give you enough time to kill another NPC while the other team runs back around to follow you. Recalling the thief can also be an exit strategy. If you have one person go out the teleporter and the other out the back door then you might be able to split the opposing defenders, which might allow you to spike one of them down.

Lastly (for now anyway), at the very start of the battle, we'll all leave the base via the teleporter, at that point each assassin should pick a monk and do an initial spike on them (maybe even stagger them a bit to get a spike on the infuser after it infuses) and then go off. By the time you get to the back door your skills should be recharged.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Actually, recall works best on a no-thief map like Frozen or Druids. They usually also use a seperate anchor then the other sins, but it works..

You can't use a far-off anchor reliably on solitude as me and wyrm tested, there are pathing issues with the way the bases are designed.

FoxBat Wrote:You can't use a far-off anchor reliably on solitude as me and wyrm tested, there are pathing issues with the way the bases are designed.

I know, thats why im questioning your assassin gank on your current map, it wont work as you expect it to.

Since we are just below the 1000 rating we will mainly be fighting on other ppl their halls anyway. And the build works very well taking down npc's in rocket speed. And the sins can spike down the enemy monks both at the same time which will be very useful.

Me and moo have been trying this, it seems like 2 sins can take out the base fairly well, but can't kill the GL by themselves very quickly. Alternating recall anchoring on the sins costs too much energy to keep conditions on the GL 100%, but attacking and simply running also requires some healing downtime without any self-heal (like feigned). I am guessing flagger support against the GL would make killing the GL viable and need be kept in mind.

Another thing I thought of. So we start with full team off the teleporter, and the enemy does the same. We do our spike, then run off with the theif towards their backdoor. Say they immediately split off a ranger and a warrior after us. What's the best course of action there?

FoxBat Wrote:Another thing I thought of. So we start with full team off the teleporter, and the enemy does the same. We do our spike, then run off with the theif towards their backdoor. Say they immediately split off a ranger and a warrior after us. What's the best course of action there?

Best course of action is get a new hall if your running this build.

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