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MP Epics?

I am still quite the newcomer to RealmBeyond, so bear with me if this was discussed or proposed before.
I think that the pace of one Epic/one Adventure per month is really good but for the ones more interested in MP, why don´t we have MP Epics?

Those could range from 2-4 RB players in a challenge against the AI, even to 2vs2 or 4 player in a free for all situation with reports all round and 3-4 sessions with 2-3 hours played over one month resulting in one Multiepic each month. 2-4 Rb players against the AI would play like Succession Games played together and 1vs1 or 2vs2 would result in nicely moderated and edited map for a heads-up.

I would volunteer for moderation as Sulla has his hands probably full with the Epics and Adventures, though whoever is willing can have that position.
Now my question is the following, what does everyone think, is this a good idea, would you participate?

If you can get enough interest, go for it! smile I'd caution that these things often are more difficult to execute in practice, however. One of our first succession games in Civ4 (RB8 ) tried to run a Multiplayer game, and it never finished because the scheduling turned out to be a nightmare. Coordinating a series of teams for a Multiplayer Epic would perhaps be doable, but probably not on a monthly basis. Maybe we'll try it as a one-time deal later on though!

I'd say an important first step would be to revive a weekly Multiplayer night for the RB community. We've had such a thing sporadically at a number of different times, but no one has really stepped up and taken charge. Instead, we've largely had isolated times and dates for Multiplayer games - which is not the same thing as a dedicated weekly gaming night! I personally can't take on that responsibility, but someone else is welcome to volunteer. (TheArchduke, perhaps?)

You'll also have to decide if you want to concentrate on player-vs-player or players-vs-AIs. This being mostly a Single Player community, the latter may be a good first step. nod
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Indeed, before we try for any Epics the best step would be to start a reliable MP group who once a week or every second week meets up for a MP game.

I got an own multiplayer group however from another forum (11 players, 5 really good) which could actually enable a pure RB team against well, another MP team, but I am getting ahead of myself.:D But before we throw the gauntlet of challenge, we should try out if the RB community wants to try its hands on a MP game.

To attract more interest, I say we go with VANILLA Civilization atm. I hope some others drop by and voice their interest. So who is up for a RB vs AI challenge?
And which days are preferred for a regular gaming day?

I will say from my own experience that in recent times the main folks posting in RB related MP threads have been myself, Atlas, DanTski, Ruff_Hi, and maybe a few others. I also fully agree that a regular MP night with decent support (so that one or two folks not making it doesn't make the night a failure) is not only a great first step, but even a success in itself. One good idea that I had not thought of was the human vs AI option - perhaps that will bring in some non-MP folks. Also, we do have quite a few new maybe if we can get some of them to sign up we can create a critical mass, which then could attract more of the older and more established folks.

Not to overly pressure anyone, but I suspect that if Sullla or Sooooo or Klyearan or other such more established member stepped up with a time they could play, even if only every other weak, it would help to make the MP action seem more "official". That said, thanks for making this effort TheArchduke. You certainly have me on board.

Participated in a few early RB MP games, I found one of the biggest problems is that we are all spread out over the world. I would love to play MP against or along the guys I feel I know from reading the reports, but being in Europe makes meeting up with a lot of Americans complicated timewise.
"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

TheArchduke Wrote:Indeed, before we try for any Epics the best step would be to start a reliable MP group who once a week or every second week meets up for a MP game.

I got an own multiplayer group however from another forum (11 players, 5 really good) which could actually enable a pure RB team against well, another MP team, but I am getting ahead of myself.:D But before we throw the gauntlet of challenge, we should try out if the RB community wants to try its hands on a MP game.

To attract more interest, I say we go with VANILLA Civilization atm. I hope some others drop by and voice their interest. So who is up for a RB vs AI challenge?
And which days are preferred for a regular gaming day?
We had to drop you off our succession rotation today. You sure you've got enough time for more games? lol

First things first!

sunrise Wrote:Danski

Look up! There's 7 letters in my nick!

Onto the topic at hand, I'd be more interested in the humans vs the AI type of game purely because I'm not comfortable playing directly against others on Civ.

Also MH, you aren't the only Euro here! In future planning, I suggest you put out a time for people to show up on a weekend (since those almost certainly work best) thats works for you, and as long as you give a few days prior notice, people WILL show up.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

@DanTski: Fixed

Though I must say....this coming from the guy who quoted my name without three of it's characters....sheesh!

Dantski Wrote:Also MH, you aren't the only Euro here! In future planning, I suggest you put out a time for people to show up on a weekend (since those almost certainly work best) thats works for you, and as long as you give a few days prior notice, people WILL show up.
Yes, I know, and I tried to initiate a more Euro-friendly MP time a while ago for the Old-world crowd, but it did not stir up any interest. And for me personally, weekends are even worse than late nights during the week.
"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

So, is there any interest in MP tonight maybe?
"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

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