i'm playing epic 11 right now. no spoilers but i'm having fun
. i don't think i'll be scoring, since i believe i will die, but i'm taking screenshots at the key dates just in case.
last night i crashed while manually saving before i went to bed. Memory Allocation Error, i don't often get them but the RNG hands me one sometimes if i play a lot of hours, and i have been. i knew from reading the rules page that reloading from the most recent autosave is permitted under certain circumstances. go read that page if you haven't!!! the rules don't specifically cover a game crash but i figured it falls under "What constitutes "significant" harm is at your own discretion, but please use common sense. ... We trust you not to reload to get do-overs." i wasn't breaking the sense of that rule by aiming for any sort of do-over. but the purpose of saving in the first place was to go to bed, so i planned to start from the autosave in the morning and did not do it then. i wasn't at war at the time so i knew recreating that turn wouldn't be hard. not much had happened and i was so tired!
i have autosaves set to every turn, and to save the most recent 30. just in case, i copied the latest autosave before i went to bed. then this morning, i loaded the most recent found of my SG to check it out. i'd forgotten that no matter how many autosaves you save, the folder completely resets when you change between games!
lots of us play SGs. so this is a reminder if anybody is forgetful like me. if for whatever reason you're in a legitimate position to reload from the autosave, but decide to not do it right away, copy that autosave because if you load another game in the meantime, the autosave you need will disappear! i'm glad i am a "just in case' type!
ps i am reading that rule in the spirit rather than the literal wording, which says "No restarts, and no reloads, except if you suffer one of the following misfortunes". my misfortune was not in fact "one of the following". is there an official rule that game crashes count you out for scoring? i know that there could be, since it makes a game looks suspicious (it does for CFC HoF). it's okay if there is, as i said i don't think i'll win the game, and even if i do i want to respect the rules more than i want to get a silly number as a score.

last night i crashed while manually saving before i went to bed. Memory Allocation Error, i don't often get them but the RNG hands me one sometimes if i play a lot of hours, and i have been. i knew from reading the rules page that reloading from the most recent autosave is permitted under certain circumstances. go read that page if you haven't!!! the rules don't specifically cover a game crash but i figured it falls under "What constitutes "significant" harm is at your own discretion, but please use common sense. ... We trust you not to reload to get do-overs." i wasn't breaking the sense of that rule by aiming for any sort of do-over. but the purpose of saving in the first place was to go to bed, so i planned to start from the autosave in the morning and did not do it then. i wasn't at war at the time so i knew recreating that turn wouldn't be hard. not much had happened and i was so tired!
i have autosaves set to every turn, and to save the most recent 30. just in case, i copied the latest autosave before i went to bed. then this morning, i loaded the most recent found of my SG to check it out. i'd forgotten that no matter how many autosaves you save, the folder completely resets when you change between games!
lots of us play SGs. so this is a reminder if anybody is forgetful like me. if for whatever reason you're in a legitimate position to reload from the autosave, but decide to not do it right away, copy that autosave because if you load another game in the meantime, the autosave you need will disappear! i'm glad i am a "just in case' type!
ps i am reading that rule in the spirit rather than the literal wording, which says "No restarts, and no reloads, except if you suffer one of the following misfortunes". my misfortune was not in fact "one of the following". is there an official rule that game crashes count you out for scoring? i know that there could be, since it makes a game looks suspicious (it does for CFC HoF). it's okay if there is, as i said i don't think i'll win the game, and even if i do i want to respect the rules more than i want to get a silly number as a score.