Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Movie review for Hawkmoon

Absolutely Beautiful!

Go see it.



A review written in classic KoP style! At least you didn't give away too many details. wink

I'm not Hawkmoon, but this might be a movie that both Mr. Gris and I would enjoy. It's subtitled, right? If it is, I'm guessing little Gris isn't quite ready yet.


I thought "Beautiful" would be the only description needed for the kind of audience this movie is aimed for. If you have seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and enjoyed it, you would love this one. If you like Cirque Du Soleil, you would enjoy this movie. If you think Matrix has cool moves, who do you think they learned it from?

To quote a review:
Swooningly beautiful... It's a genre movie of the best kind, packed with completely unrealistic yet hypnotically entertaining scenes, a dazzlingly intricate color design.... art-house audiences are in for a thrilling, passionate, sublimely well-executed treat.

I was first annoyed that I had to read the subtitle, but thankfully there's not all that much dialogue especially for a movie with such an intriguing plot. Besides, I think, the plot was only an excuse (and a good excuse it was) for the director to excersie his mastery in cinematographic artistry. I know I will be watching this movie again next week and I won't be reading subtitle smile




I'm glad I got to see a speech-synchronized version of Hero over here. I find it very distracting to read subtitles in movies like this, which try to create a certain atmosphere and where immersion is much more important than in your usual action flick.

I liked the movie very much, especially the idea with the different colors. But I have to admit I liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon better, because the fights in Hero look even more unrealistic than in Tiger and Dragon. I know that they aren't supposed to look realistic, but still...

But your post made me curious to see Cirque Du Soleil - I've never heard about it before. I hope I'll manage to find it here, the shop we'll rent DVDs usually doesn't have much outside the mainstream.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider


Cirque du Soleil is not a movie, it is a performing arts show--think artistic acrobats. There are many performing troops, in fact, IIRC there is a standing show in Las Vegas here in the States.

Check out their home page here for more details on their performances and for shows in Europe. I believe there is a current performance occurring in Frankfurt through the middle/end of September.

It may be possible to rent DVDs or videos of their performances; I have seen several on TV over the past couple of years; however, as expected, the live performance is the one you really want to see.


Cirque du Soleil is not a movie, it is a performing arts show

Ah thanks, that should teach me to google first before posting and making myself look stupid. :laugh:

Looks very interesting, but unfortunately the prices are "interesting" as well. Twice I've made the mistake to buy cheap tickets (for River Dance and for the Shaolin Monks martial arts show), and both times we sat so far away that watching it on TV would have been the better option. :o And I don't think I could persuade the wife to invest more money...

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

ShadowHM recommended a couple of Cirque du Soleil DVDs awhile back so I will let her comment on that when she gets back. However, afaik, there were "made for tv only" specials.

The one time I was in Vegas I missed the chance to see "O" because I was there for the NAB convention and there wasn't much time left for other activities. However, I was wandering in the Luxor and happened to caught the Blue Man Group. The timing was right. WoW what a SHOW. What a AudioVisual and Physical experience, total immersion! I would, if the timing is right, go to Vegas again just to see the show again. But I am hoping I can also catch a Pink Floyd concert there at the same time. That is saying a lot for a group/show I have never heard of before Vegas. Looks like they also have shows in Berlin too smile

Blueman's Official Site

Back to Cirque du Soleil... I was fortunate enough to catch a made for IMax 3D performance called the Journey of Man. If it shows up in your local IMax theatre, don't miss it. This format has some advantages that a live performance can't even match. The huge screen fills your entire field of view to isolate you from your surrounding and making it seem even that much larger than life. And the 3D effect just adds so much to the sense of being "there".

Good luck on catching these shows smile



Thanks for all the comments, guys!

I've been looking forward to Hero ever since seeing the trailer for it in front of Kill Bill Vol 2 - I'm very happy to hear that it seems to have lived up to expectations/hopes.

Now I just have to find time to actually go see it...


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