Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Silly RBers and LoD HC

Quote: I have loads of ideas. Few of them are good.

A Druid Team or a Druid Barb team might be worth pursuing, Backhair and Bald Barbs, something along the lines of "We Don't Bathe But We Intend To Cleanse The World of Evil."

Back hair and bald barbs means that barbs cannot use any head gear other than circlets, or nothing, and Druids have to invest in either summoning or shape changing trees. Druids must wear a hat that is either wolf or antlers, no bird hats allowed. No fur, no back hair, on a bird.

Team of four suggested.

One Werebear
One Zookeeper
One Berserk Barb (Option, use Frenzy with maxed zerk for magic damage.)
One WarCry with either Howl or Grim Ward as a key skill, since the smell of this group should scare away monsters

EDIT: I am an idiot. I edited the first post, rather than quoting it, and completely buggered up the introduction of this topic.


Quote: I have loads of ideas. Few of them are good.

A Druid Team or a Druid Barb team might be worth pursuing, Backhair and Bald Barbs, something along the lines of "We Don't Bathe But We Intend To Cleanse The World of Evil."

The scullery maid team, made up of Assassins, Amazons, and Sorceresses, in the theme of "We Don't Do Windows, We Do Worlds."

Also in the running might be the Odd Couple, Triplet, Quad, a team made up of Paladins and Necromancers. I call it Schizoid Heroes: "We Poison and Cleanse, We Raise 'em and Kill 'em, We Need Help!"

People you may find in RB HC games on West these days:

Doc Disaster
Doc Douglass
Occhi aka Samurai Rogue

"Think globally, drink locally."

Occhidiangela Wrote:A Druid Team or a Druid Barb team might be worth pursuing, Backhair and Bald Barbs, something along the lines of "We Don't Bathe But We Intend To Cleanse The World of Evil."

The scullery maid team, made up of Assassins, Amazons, and Sorceresses, in the theme of "We Don't Do Windows, We Do Worlds."

Also in the running might be the Odd Couple, Triplet, Quad, a team made up of Paladins and Necromancers. I call it Schizoid Heroes: "We Poison and Cleanse, We Raise 'em and Kill 'em, We Need Help!"

Further this idea, the Odd Quad would be as follows:

One Summoner Necro, skeletons of some sort.
One Completely maxed Undead Killing Paladin, to include Redemption as a skill.(FOH, Holy Bolt, BH for SYnergy, Conviction)
One Bone Skill Only Necro
One Paladin with Conversion as prime combat skill, with Charge (into bone walls for example :mad: ) as primary damage skill, and Sanctuary as the back up.

"Think globally, drink locally."

Occhidiangela Wrote:One Completely maxed Undead Killing Paladin, to include Redemption as a skill.(FOH, Holy Bolt, Conviction)

Summoner necro and a Redemption pally would be a great odd couple all on their own.

I haven't played D2 in years. Was playing HC exclusively before I stopped, though. HC is the way to go.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I will try to join in the madness.

Until Canadian Thankgiving, my (non-team-game time) will be been spent on building up a support character on USEast, to get a chance to meet a number of players there. My Shockbear Summoner is in Hell Act 4 now, so only a bit of the journey is left to complete.

But afterwards, when I am in the city on weekends again, I will be starting up a few characters on USWest.

ShadowHM Wrote:I will try to join in the madness.

Until Canadian Thankgiving, my (non-team-game time) will be been spent on building up a support character on USEast, to get a chance to meet a number of players there. My Shockbear Summoner is in Hell Act 4 now, so only a bit of the journey is left to complete.

But afterwards, when I am in the city on weekends again, I will be starting up a few characters on USWest.
Clueless me, I had no idea we had RBers on East.

Or are these Basin folk?

"Think globally, drink locally."

Occhidiangela Wrote:I have loads of ideas. Few of them are good.

A Druid Team or a Druid Barb team might be worth pursuing, Backhair and Bald Barbs, something along the lines of "We Don't Bathe But We Intend To Cleanse The World of Evil."

The scullery maid team, made up of Assassins, Amazons, and Sorceresses, in the theme of "We Don't Do Windows, We Do Worlds."

Also in the running might be the Odd Couple, Triplet, Quad, a team made up of Paladins and Necromancers. I call it Schizoid Heroes: "We Poison and Cleanse, We Raise 'em and Kill 'em, We Need Help!"

The Scullery Maid Team would be, IMO, best played as a threesome, with three roles.

Sorcie - Fire Tree Only. She sterilizes things. Her merc is a stick wielder whose role is to stoke the flame. (Maybe she can use telekenisis to open things from a distance for safety, and teleport for the "Ouch that is hot! reaction.)

Amazon - Cold Tree, since someone has to clean the fridge. Merc ought to be a barb, due to his being used to the cold.

Assassin - Either MA or Lightning Traps, prefer Charged Bolt. The rough idea is that the air ionizer is what makes the room smell fresh, but changing ion mix. No death Sentry, it makes too big of a mess.

Not sure on Summoned minions. I'd suggest against, for the sake of a more variant flavor and challenge.

"Think globally, drink locally."

Lurker Wyrm Wrote:Sanctuary?

Summoner necro and a Redemption pally would be a great odd couple all on their own.

I haven't played D2 in years. Was playing HC exclusively before I stopped, though. HC is the way to go.
Sanctuary goes on the other (Conversion) Paladin, and alas, it remains bugged as far as I can tell.

"Think globally, drink locally."

Occhidiangela Wrote:Clueless me, I had no idea we had RBers on East.

Or are these Basin folk?


Clueless you may be at times. tongue But I know of no RBers on East. There are, however, some Basiners who are RBers at heart and just didn't know about RB. smile

USEast at the Basin has more HC players than other realms. I reckoned one way to meet some new folks was to make a support character and see what comments I got as I played. lol

While I have no active chars AtM (all deleted with the ladder reset) I am game to get back into the fun. Will be looking for you west.


* cb-13 cues deep lurk mode

cb-13 Wrote:While I have no active chars AtM (all deleted with the ladder reset) I am game to get back into the fun. Will be looking for you west.


* Occhidiangela cues deep lurk mode

I am on intermittently, I played a few days last week in lieu of going to work as we had to work down our vacation balance (don't ask) so I got to see a lot of Dr D, Thenry, and Dr D.

Not sure if we can get a little team play with a theme going, but if we can, it would be cool. Or, justs the usual fun and games.

Doc's blaze sorcie was a neat blast from the past, until she died. I have a +3 blaze staff socketed into Leaf if you have any desire to play a Blaze sorceress. smile

"Think globally, drink locally."

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