So, a while back Jude was all "hey, you have to teach me some of those PvP inside tricks you know" and I was all "do I gotta?" then she was all "YES!" and so I did. Bear in mind I don't like thinking more than I have to, so I had to make some notes for myself. It wound up with me mostly trying to teach her how to kite. I figured I might as well post them. I don't like explaining things much which is why this is all still in note form rather than long-winded explanation form.
-use terrain to your advantage
-get behind obstacles to block arrows
--look at where the archer is and find a wall to hide behind
--if there are no obsatcles then try to have the high ground, don't let archers get in close
-make sure you don't box yourself in a corner, have someplace you can run to
-position yourself so you have a wall between you and the melee
-know who's more important to target
-be aware of the other team's positioning
-if a melee charges you, try to put another player between yourself and them
-don't brag, bragging makes you overconfident, overconfidence makes you lose
-don't be negative, you'll start believing it
-make sure your team knows what you're doing
--don't announce everything, but do announce overextending, who you're pressuring, etc.
-never clump together
stuff added since then:
-kite in small circles
-don't stand still
-don't overextend without an escape plan
I can add more if/when I think of them.
-use terrain to your advantage
-get behind obstacles to block arrows
--look at where the archer is and find a wall to hide behind
--if there are no obsatcles then try to have the high ground, don't let archers get in close
-make sure you don't box yourself in a corner, have someplace you can run to
-position yourself so you have a wall between you and the melee
-know who's more important to target
-be aware of the other team's positioning
-if a melee charges you, try to put another player between yourself and them
-don't brag, bragging makes you overconfident, overconfidence makes you lose
-don't be negative, you'll start believing it
-make sure your team knows what you're doing
--don't announce everything, but do announce overextending, who you're pressuring, etc.
-never clump together
stuff added since then:
-kite in small circles
-don't stand still
-don't overextend without an escape plan
I can add more if/when I think of them.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
I live my life by Murphy's Law.