Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Alliance Based GvG and HA


As you all may know, one of the topics of the alliance meeting that didn't get *too* far out of control was the formation of some alliance based PvP teams. One of the decisions was that I would take point on it and organize the teams for GvG and HA. As with any PvP group just starting out, it's important to know who can do what so that we don't sit around saying stuff like "uh, so who wants to monk?" Because of that, I'm going to be asking for some basic information from people before we even begin to start meeting on a regular basis or discuss what build we'll be using. After all, it's a little hard to put a team together if you don't know what your teammates can do.

Also, I'm going to arrange different groups based on ability. Now before you start crying elitism or whatever, let me explain what I have in mind. First, this applies only to GvG. The HA group is going to be whoever shows up can play. GvG will be divided into two different types of groups initially. There will be one group for beginners that have very little, if any, GvG experience and one group for people that have experience and generally know how it works.

The beginner group is not likely to do more than scrimmages, just because of the controlled nature of them. When this group meets, it will basically be a teaching session, really. There will be at least one or two others there with a good amount of experience to help explain things to people. Everything from skill selection to what the flag is for. Bear in mind that the best way to learn is to do so you will be playing matches, just not ranked.

The second group, which is for people with experience, will meet and have a prechosen build for use. Depending on the number of people that show up from each guild, we may rotate players or do unrated challenges against other guilds that are not neccessarily a part of the alliance. Because of the requirement of four players from a guild we may or may not play ladder matches.

Next, there is the issue of a meeting time. To start things off, I am going to set days and times now. If there are too many issues with them then we can change them, but for now these times will be it:
I'll work out the different time zones later, for now these are the Eastern US times (which is EDT atm)
Beginner GvG: Saturdays, 3 PM
GvG: Tuesdays, 9 PM
HA: Wednesday - Friday, 3 PM

One more thing: because this is PvP, we will be using Vent. For the beginner teams, having a mic is not required but recommended. For all other teams you must have a mic so you can communicate with the team.

For those that want to participate, I would appreciate you leaving the following information either in this thread or in a PM sent to me:
Name: not your real name, just one that I can use to easily recognize you.
Account Name:
Your time zone and its relation to GMT:
Classes you have PvP experience with:
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing:
Type(s) of PvP experience you have:
How much you've played...
Where you've spent most of your PvP time:
Roles in GvG you have experience with:

If the times I have listed are bad for you, please provide the time when you are most likely to be available (I don't need to know your entire playing schedule, if you say weekdays after 7pm I'll get the idea). If those times can work for you, then, well, I don't need to know your schedule since that'll just confuse me.

I'll be posting this on every allied guild's forums, but the ones I check the most frequently are RB's (obviously). If you need to contact me the easiest way to do so is by PM. In game communication is fine too, but my play time is mostly random right now and if there's a lot of chat or I'm involved in something I'm likely to miss a whisper. If that happens, don't take it personally, it wasn't done on purpose.

edit: No, I don't know how I managed to get that heart attached to the thread.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

My information:
Name: Wyrm
Account Name: Lurker Wyrm
Your time zone and its relation to GMT: EDT (GMT -4 right now, apparently)
Classes you have PvP experience with: Monk, Ranger, Warrior, Paragon, Assassin
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing: Monk, Ranger/Paragon, Assassin, Warrior, Dervish, Elementalist, Necromancer/Ritualist/Mesmer
How much you've played...
GvG: I think it's safe to say I've played more than 100 matches.
HA: 135 fame and countless losses
Where you've spent most of your PvP time: GvG
Roles in GvG you have experience with: Leader/caller (mostly as warrior), ganker, backline
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Name: Hawkmoon
Account Name: Hawkmoon of Realms
Your time zone and its relation to GMT: Eastern US, GMT -5
Classes you have PvP experience with: Monk, Warrior, Paragon, Ele
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing: Monk, Paragon, Warrior, Ele
Type(s) of PvP experience you have: mostly GvG, fair amount of AB, some HA and TA
How much you've played...
GvG: Tens of GvG matches,
HA: probably less than 25 HA (all of 27 fame, woot!)
Where you've spent most of your PvP time: GvG
Roles in GvG you have experience with: Monk, Warrior, Paragon

Name: Jude
Account Name: Jude Phailin
Your time zone and its relation to GMT: CST GMT -6
Classes you have PvP experience with: Mes, War, Ele, Gank Ranger
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing: Mes, War, Gank Ranger, Ele
Type(s) of PvP experience you have: GvG, HA
How much you've played...
GvG: 100+
HA: 75+ (but still no Bambi )
Where you've spent most of your PvP time: GvG
Roles in GvG you have experience with: Lead, Split Team Lead
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing smile

Name: Roland (PvE) or Rolande (PvP)
Account Name: Rolande Orgahn
Your time zone and its relatioMTn to G: EDT (as of right now; EST soon)
EST = GMT - 5; EDT = GMT - 4
Classes you have PvP experience with: Warrior, Ranger, Dervish, Monk, Necromancer
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing: Warrior, Dervish, Ranger, Monk.
Type(s) of PvP experience you have:
How much you've played...
GvG: Enough to have been a leader for RB, Revenants of the Basin (hardcore PvP team), Basin Amazons (casual PvP).
HA: Enough to get 46 Fame. It's not my favorite thing in the world to do.
Where you've spent most of your PvP time: GvG, AB, RA
Roles in GvG you have experience with: Main Tank, Off Tank, Split Warrior, Split Ranger, Monk

All right, I'm going to try and get things started this week. Hopefully I'll see you guys starting Tuesday. Here's the build, borrowed from AB (again)
1. Warrior/Ele
Shock, Rush, Frenzy, Bull's Strike, Executioner's Strike, Eviscerate, Agonizing Chop, Res Signet

2. Warrior/Ele
Frenzy, Shock, Mighty Blow, Earthshaker, Pulverizing Smash, Bull's Strike, Rush, Res Signet

3. Paragon/Warrior
"Watch Yourself!", "Go for the Eyes!", "Shield's Up!", Defensive Anthem, Anthem of Envy, Spear of Lightning, Wild Throw, Signet of Return

4. Paragon/Mesmer
Anthem of Flame, "Go for the Eyes!", Vicious Strike, Shatterstorm, Anthem of Weariness, Spear of Lightning, Epidemic, Signet of Return

4. Ranger/Monk
Dust Trap, Oath Shot, Flame Trap, Distracting Shot, Tranquility, Nature's Renewal, Whirling Defense, Death Pact Signet

6. Monk/W
LoD/Infuse w/ Soldier's Defense and Disciplined Stance

7. Monk/W
RC w/ Soldier's Defense and Disciplined Stance

8. Rit/D
Pious Haste, Weapon of Remedy, Splinter Weapon, Warmonger's Weapon, Ancester's Rage, Mend Body and Soul, Weapon of Shadow, Death Pact Signet or Flesh

When we played the build over at AB, one of the warriors was running Rending Touch instead of Shock, so to each their own.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

i led that build on Saturday and we won 6 out of 6 smile
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing smile

Just warning you now, I may not make it. I'm hooked on Hellgate at the moment, and it looks like I'll be even more consumed when the game is finally released. I'll try to remember to make it, but I make no promises. Besides, I've been out of the game so long I'd be rusty. We'll see, though. Good luck, in any case. smile

No. I will not be there tonight. Sorry gang.

Well, turnout yesterday was a bit less than ideal, only 3 people from RB and 1 from KTHX were there, so we wound up doing some TA instead. We'll try again next week. In the meantime, the HA group meets over the next couple of days and then we have beginner GvG on Sat, so we'll see how things go for those.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I'll try to join up for that stuff if I'm on, but my play time has been somewhat sparse lately; hopefully it'll pick up in a couple of weeks. I gotta get my Para through NF so I can take one of those roles if people already have the Wars covered (though my War is damn good ^^).
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