October 26th, 2007, 15:39
(This post was last modified: November 22nd, 2007, 23:08 by Zed-F.)
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Anchor post for link to the post containing the current version of the Slacker Variant rules for Hellgate: London. Subject to revision.
Current rules -- VERSION 0.02:
Comments are welcome!
October 26th, 2007, 15:40
(This post was last modified: November 13th, 2007, 12:29 by Zed-F.)
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HG:L - Slacker Variant v0.01
A Slacker is a character who doesn't take all this nonsense about demonic invasions too seriously. He just can't be bothered to do his utmost to push back the demonic horde. Truthfully, he'd rather be at the beach. As a result, he's generally disinclined to practice new skills, or to discipline his mind and body to new levels of performance, or even so much as to bother trying to figure out complex equipment. Unfortunately for him, fate has decreed that he shall have a role to play in stopping the incursion, and so he finds himself chivvied along the path of destiny, regardless of how half-hearted his efforts might be.
The Slacker bumbles along as best he can, adopting a relaxed pace and attitude, even if the role fate has cast him in requires a certain dogged persistence. While he takes note of his surroundings, and is quite content to smell the roses along the way, he devotes little of his energy to actually learning anything from his experience. It's only when he confronts and overcomes a truly notable challenge that he stops to reflect and perhaps come to some new understanding of a manner in which he might do things more easily in the future.
At birth, Slackers by default may use no equipment, may use no skills, and may allocate no characteristic points. Anything more complicated than punching something in their civvies is beyond their understanding, at first. Luckily, they can learn (if slowly) to unlock their potential in four categories; in each category, a Slacker must learn the first ability before moving on to later ones, as follows:
1) Ability to use white items
2) Ability to use enhanced (green) items or items with enhanced properties
3) Ability to use rare (blue) items or items with rare properties
4) Ability to use legendary items or items with legendary properties
5) Ability to use any item type
*Note: Quest items are always equippable, regardless of quality level.
Equipment Sources
1) Ability to use Mods
2) Ability to use Vendors/Crafters*
3) Ability to use Delux De-modificator
4) Ability to use Augmentrex/Nanoforge
5) Ability to Trade or Twink
*Note: Includes buying consumables from vendors. Prior to this a Slacker is effectively living off the land.
1) Able to assign up to 1 attribute point per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
2) Able to assign up to 2 attribute points per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
3) Able to assign up to 3 attribute points per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
4) Able to assign up to 4 attribute points per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
5) Able to assign attribute points freely
1) Able to use skills up to slvl 1 and not totalling more than 5 points
2) Able to use skills up to slvl 2 and not totalling more than 10 points
3) Able to use skills up to slvl 3 and not totalling more than 18 points
4) Able to use skills up to slvl 5 and not totalling more than 30 points
5) Able to assign skill points freely
*Note: This restriction includes starting skills such as sprint and skills gained from equipment. If a piece of equipment would put a Slacker's assigned skills over the skill point or slvl cap, he may not use it.
Even though a Slacker at birth knows none of these abilities, he is not completely bereft of a sense of the appropriate. When fate casts him in the role of saviour, he does elect to undergo some basic training and acquires five "ability points" to be used to select abilities from the above lists. Thereafter, any time a Slacker completes an act in the play fate has in store for him (acts 1-5), he earns one additional ability point. In keeping with his Slacker nature, he may choose to save unused ability points and assign them later at his convenience -- in fact, doing so could be considered a point of additional pride for a Slacker. Once assigned, an ability point may not be changed. A Slacker with an equippable pet (e.g. an Engineer's Drone) obeys the same rules for the pet that the Slacker does regarding attributes and allowed equipment.
The Slacker must complete all quests for any given act before moving on to the next act, but full-clearing is optional. Slackers must journey solo or with similarly-challenged variants only, ideally other Slackers. They prefer not to associate with anyone that can show them up by blazing through the minions of Hell faster than they can.
Version 0.01 Notes
- This is a pre-release version of the variant. Future fine-tuning of the variant to adjust the challenge to desired levels is probably a given. At this point it is also designed to be played in 'normal' mode, and may need adjustments for subscriber-only modes such as Elite and Hardcore.
- Hell difficulty is unlikely to be available at release, and the specifics of when and under what form it will be released are as yet unclear. For the moment, the variant is targetted to having the variant restrictions removed by the time the character completes Hell difficulty, but this could change.
October 28th, 2007, 12:55
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Good template!
Although we should be cautious not to rush creating or porting variants, some old variants seem they can be fairly direct translations: Barb, solo Ironman, Imortal Hero..
Some old variants seem fitting for HGL, some with more work to translate than others: Goth, Jedi, Lycanthrope... Werewolf in London
I have not gone through our entire variant database, these are just off the top of my head. Anyone wishing to start looking at creating or porting a variant please start a new thread to keep things together.
November 2nd, 2007, 13:53
(This post was last modified: November 2nd, 2007, 14:27 by Zed-F.)
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Minor change notes (not making a new version as this is mainly for clarification purposes):
- Equipment Sources and to Skills sections receive minor adjustments and clarifying notes.
- Added stipulation that a slacker must restart in town after death and restart the zone from scratch. This is to prevent progress by suicidal charges and other death-related cheese. Running a zone is still possible, but may not be advisable.
November 2nd, 2007, 18:48
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Quote:Added stipulation that a slacker must restart in town after death and restart the zone from scratch. This is to prevent progress by suicidal charges and other death-related cheese. Running a zone is still possible, but may not be advisable.
Good call for a variant rule!
November 10th, 2007, 23:25
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Have to make an exception to allow quest weapons regardless of their being Unique. Unfortunately it's impossible to progress at certain points without doing so.
November 13th, 2007, 12:21
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KingOfPain Wrote:Quote:Added stipulation that a slacker must restart in town after death and restart the zone from scratch. This is to prevent progress by suicidal charges and other death-related cheese. Running a zone is still possible, but may not be advisable.
Good call for a variant rule!
KoP As I mentioned in my Act 3 notes, this is proving not to make much difference, providing you update your PRD periodically. The fact of the matter is that it's not very difficult to get back to where you were after death, providing you take appropriate precautions or are in a party. This is generally a good thing, and since restrictions that involve re-logging after death don't really work for party play, and/or could cause one to lose hours of progress towards a quest zone at the end of a long zone chain, it's probably for the best anyway.
As a result I probably need to change this restriction to something more apropos the intended purpose of discouraging zerg swarming. That said, I don't want to get too harsh on death penalty either. In some cases HG:L likes to ambush you with stupidly tough encounters on zoning in, such as bosses-in-the-face or huge swarms camping riverbed zone entry points. For a slacker, death in such circumstances can be nearly inevitable. Ideally I would like something akin to D2's mad corpse grabs -- not too hard to get back to where you started via portal, but a bit of a challenge when you get there.
Right now I am thinking something tied to the XP death penalty timer would work best. Preferably, something in-theme with the variant, and not too cumbersome. But I'm not sure what. Any thoughts?
November 21st, 2007, 12:29
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Apparently, act 5 concludes before the end of the story. I guess that means there are 6 acts, not 5... which probably means I'll need to make a change to the variant rules. I think I will hold off until I am done with Normal difficulty, though.
November 22nd, 2007, 23:06
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HG:L - Slacker Variant v0.02
A Slacker is a character who doesn't take all this nonsense about demonic invasions too seriously. He just can't be bothered to do his utmost to push back the demonic horde. Truthfully, he'd rather be at the beach. As a result, he's generally disinclined to practice new skills, or to discipline his mind and body to new levels of performance, or even so much as to bother trying to figure out complex equipment. Unfortunately for him, fate has decreed that he shall have a role to play in stopping the incursion, and so he finds himself chivvied along the path of destiny, regardless of how half-hearted his efforts might be.
The Slacker bumbles along as best he can, adopting a relaxed pace and attitude, even if the role fate has cast him in requires a certain dogged persistence. While he takes note of his surroundings, and is quite content to smell the roses along the way, he devotes little of his energy to actually learning anything from his experience. It's only when he confronts and overcomes a truly notable challenge that he stops to reflect and perhaps come to some new understanding of a manner in which he might do things more easily in the future.
At birth, Slackers by default may use no equipment, may use no skills, and may allocate no characteristic points. Anything more complicated than punching something in their civvies is beyond their understanding, at first. Luckily, they can learn (if slowly) to unlock their potential in four categories; in each category, a Slacker must learn the first ability before moving on to later ones, as follows:
1) Ability to use white items
2) Ability to use enhanced (green) items or items with enhanced properties
3) Ability to use rare (blue) items or items with rare properties
4) Ability to use legendary items or items with legendary properties
5) Ability to use any item type
*Note: Quest items are always equippable, regardless of quality level.
Equipment Sources
1) Ability to use Mods
2) Ability to use Vendors/Crafters*
3) Ability to use Delux De-modificator
4) Ability to use Augmentrex/Nanoforge
5) Ability to Trade or Twink
*Note: Includes buying consumables from vendors. Prior to this a Slacker is effectively living off the land.
1) Able to assign up to 1 attribute point per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
2) Able to assign up to 2 attribute points per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
3) Able to assign up to 3 attribute points per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
4) Able to assign up to 4 attribute points per Clvl (incl. retroactively)
5) Able to assign attribute points freely
1) Able to use skills up to slvl 1 and not totalling more than 5 points
2) Able to use skills up to slvl 2 and not totalling more than 10 points
3) Able to use skills up to slvl 3 and not totalling more than 18 points
4) Able to use skills up to slvl 5 and not totalling more than 30 points
5) Able to assign skill points freely
*Note: This restriction includes starting skills such as sprint and skills gained from equipment. If a piece of equipment would put a Slacker's assigned skills over the skill point or slvl cap, he may not use it.
Even though a Slacker at birth knows none of these abilities, he is not completely bereft of a sense of the appropriate. When fate casts him in the role of saviour, he does elect to undergo some basic training and acquires two (2) "ability points" to be used to select abilities from the above lists. Thereafter, any time a Slacker completes an act in the play fate has in store for him (acts 1-6), he earns one additional ability point. In keeping with his Slacker nature, he may choose to save unused ability points and assign them later at his convenience -- in fact, doing so could be considered a point of additional pride for a Slacker. Once assigned, an ability point may not be changed. A Slacker with an equippable pet (e.g. an Engineer's Drone) obeys the same rules for the pet that the Slacker does regarding attributes and allowed equipment.
The Slacker must complete all quests for any given act before moving on to the next act, but full-clearing is optional. Slackers must journey solo or with similarly-challenged variants only, ideally other Slackers. They prefer not to associate with anyone that can show them up by blazing through the minions of Hell faster than they can.
Slackers see no reason to suffer undue pain and suffering for a cause as unimportant (in their view of things) as ending the demonic invasion. A slacker who finds him or herself at death's door too frequently in pursuit of a quest will tend to abandon it for the moment, and return later better prepared, rather than bull blindly forward, making progress in small increments by sheer persistence. That said, a slacker who is adventuring with others, and finds himself taking a dirt nap, is perfectly within his rights to rejoin his companions with all due speed so as not to inconvenience them. (Translation: progress by graveyard zerg-swarming is discouraged, but this is a judgement call area. An occasional death is ok; repeated deaths in a short interval mean you're in over your head and should consider quitting, rethinking your approach, and starting again from the nearest station -- especially in a party wipe situation. Exception: the 5 tests of the truths. These are FPS-styled mini-games, and as such, a quick respawn after death and an immediate return to the fray is to be expected and encouraged.)
Version 0.02 Notes
- Updated after having had a test character complete Normal difficulty. Future fine-tuning of the variant to adjust the challenge to desired levels for Nightmare/Hell is probably a given. At this point it is also designed to be played in 'normal' mode, and may need adjustments for subscriber-only modes such as Elite and Hardcore.
- Hell difficulty is as yet unavailable, and the specifics of when and under what form it will be released are as yet unclear. For the moment, the variant is targetted to having the variant restrictions removed by the time the character completes Hell difficulty, but this could change.
- Completion of acts 1-6 refers to discovering each of the 5 truths, plus defeating Sydonai and completing the game, once per each difficulty level (Normal / Nightmare / Hell.)