After working about 68 hours in 7 days a couple weeks ago (25 regular, 40 overtime, 3 double time) getting Christmas gifts hopefully to the right states, I bought a few for myself including HGL. I've tried out a few classes and just finished Act I with an engineer.
I have mixed thoughts on this game so far, with it being way too early to know whether it is going to "stick". My general impression is that they made a revolutionary game but botched the details. Hmmm, kind of like Neverwinter Nights in that regard.
It seems like the MMO genre is having a very negative impact on smaller scale games. A soldier with a huge ! over his head wants you to kill 15 munchkins so that he can then have you kill 10 kobolds, what kind of crap is this? At least you can't run through monsters or shoot bullets through walls as if they were all ethereal. (Can you walk through the ones that are ethereal?)
I need to play more before I comment on the 3D implementation. The random 3D levels are a marvel. What a disturbing feeling going through the tubes and having it be the same and yet different. So far it seems like they are underutilized. I'd like to be able to climb a fire escape ladder and pelt demons with grenades (or even better, have them do it to me). I'd like to shut the door of a small building and wait for demons to come charging in at my melee character (or even better, have them do it to me). Tactical use of the environment is a hallmark of both the turn-based roguelikes and FPS games, after all.
I have mixed thoughts on this game so far, with it being way too early to know whether it is going to "stick". My general impression is that they made a revolutionary game but botched the details. Hmmm, kind of like Neverwinter Nights in that regard.
It seems like the MMO genre is having a very negative impact on smaller scale games. A soldier with a huge ! over his head wants you to kill 15 munchkins so that he can then have you kill 10 kobolds, what kind of crap is this? At least you can't run through monsters or shoot bullets through walls as if they were all ethereal. (Can you walk through the ones that are ethereal?)
I need to play more before I comment on the 3D implementation. The random 3D levels are a marvel. What a disturbing feeling going through the tubes and having it be the same and yet different. So far it seems like they are underutilized. I'd like to be able to climb a fire escape ladder and pelt demons with grenades (or even better, have them do it to me). I'd like to shut the door of a small building and wait for demons to come charging in at my melee character (or even better, have them do it to me). Tactical use of the environment is a hallmark of both the turn-based roguelikes and FPS games, after all.