Hi Catwalk,
I used to use VDMSound some years ago but gave it away in favour of DOSBox, so I'm rusty.
Some notes I found (sorry, no real configs left) -
leave vdms at default (7 1 0x220)
set properties of vdmsound\dosdrv.exe to give 2MB EMS
(also gave 640 MB conventional, 1024 B environment, protected, XMS auto)
run dosdrv.exe, then moo\install.bat
reconfigure hardware options
music+sound effects
soundblaster (orig) address 220
digitized speech NONE (if enabled crashes game at play screen)
MS compatible mouse
You won't be able to set the 2MB EMS etc on Dosdrv.exe if you can't get to compatibility mode. Most of the bits I mention there aren't needed anyway.
For me it was ALWAYS the case that getting Moo1 sound to run was much harder than anything else, perhaps a result of ASUS mobo sound chipset emulations. Turning OFF sound in Install.exe made Moo1 much more stable but kind of missed the point, it is VDM"Sound" after all...
There are a number of sites out there with hints and tips on VDMSound configuration, Google is your friend. Sorry I can't help more, I never had jumpy screen type problems and certainly never had anything like a network drive setup.
VDMSound home page has a FAQ, troubleshooting guide and links to useful VDMSound resources.
Best of luck!