Now the problem is that Hannibal has had enough on his hands for a while and I thought I had to be the target. I don't intend to build courthouses too soon but I'm burning through my cash pile, ideally Hannibal will ask for tribute which will give me time and I want to minimize the gold I have to give up for peace. Or I could give him CoL which would suit me fine.
More trading:
War went smoothly in terms of kills/losses, though I was saddened to see Darius drop out soon after I declared. Of course, I have big problems since I have no map of Aztec territory and have to gamble on going north after capturing that first city. I find a city founded right on top of iron, with deer as the only other food source and lots of tundra. Not a great location but I keep it as Catherine will surely grab it if I wait for a settler. I have no iron and it's nice to have it immediately connected. A few turns later as I press on I notice that Catherine also has enough on her hands...I take some time to think, this is a major crossroad. Hannibal is still plotting also, although I have had a scout in his territory for a while and have not seen any scary attack stacks forming.
Decide to keep pressing Monty and hope that the incoming attacks against me are weak and/or I have enough time to build additional defenses. Reach Teotihuacan in 775AD:
![[Image: 775ADTeoti.jpg]](
From all the Aztec culture still in the area I correctly guess that the capital is closeby to the NE. Very nice how that mountain range lets me not worry about counterattack from the south.
Monty was keeping a lot of units in Calixtahuaca, the other iron border city near me, but never did much with them, which made capturing the eastern cities very quick.
![[Image: 835ADTenoch.jpg]](
The city whose culture you can see in the picture was razed a few turns later (horrible place, all tundra and water.) All these acquisitions of course brought me close to economic stagnation again.
in 950AD I catch a huge break as Hanni DOW's Justinian and apparently bribed in Monty as well.
![[Image: 990FeudTrade.jpg]](
I was convinced he was planning to come after me as there is a big Persian empire between them, apparently I overlooked a barb city Hanni captured on the Byz border. Cathy has culture bombed a junk city which is now taking one of Satsuma's golds. This cannot be tolerated and now that I can be confident that I won't be fighting on two fronts I can do something about it. I attack Monty again first though, would like to get one more city and if I wait he'll likely vassal to Hanni as soon as one of them gets Feudalism.
Monty doesn't move his pile of units outside the one city I want but I take it easily with the loss of 2 cats. His remaining 2 cities are a ways away and would be crushed by Persian and Carthaginian culture so I sign peace and Monty does become Hanni's vassal.
I continue the brokerage train:
![[Image: 950ADYayDOWS.jpg]](
I turn it to Darius for Compass. That isn't immediately useful at all but hey, need to provide my virtual people with signs of progress as I've been researching Civil Service for about 450 years now and am nowhere close to finishing!
My other cities focus on Cats as I'm gonna need a lot of collateral to get through Cathy's pikes and longbows (and walls/castles, argh!). This next war is gonna be ugly...
Cathy kicks it off in 1030AD, just a few turns before I would have. The opening is a bit hectic as I lose a couple of workers and have to whip/upgrade at an ex-Aztec city but I soon set things right:
This is probably one of the weirdest AI moves I've seen:
Yaro is captured that turn. I still cannot believe the power of cats, even at this tech disadvatage I only need to sacrifice 2 of them to kill 4 longbows, one elephant, and 2 trebs. The city has the Great Library (books fresh off the presses!) and Parthenon. Cathy is already willing to capitulate, but I want it all now, especially Moscow which has the Colossus, ToA, and MoM. The only problem I have is that someone is giving Cathy ivory, I really have nothing to fight elephants except my own. Ramssess declared on me too but since he's overseas I didn't sweat it.
After this point, taking remaining cities is a slow process due to castles. When I capture Rostov, I am kind of embarrassed to realize that a nondescript, just taken fishing village has more infrastructure than any of my cities:
![[Image: 1170ADRostov.jpg]](
Rest of the war is pretty dull. In other news, without any action on either side I get Ramssess to pay me some gold for peace, then broker Compass to him for Aesthetics. Monty breaks free from Hannibal after the war against Justinian ends. The only thing that worries me is Hanni declaring on me (I'm now his worst enemy from close borders at the russian city and refused requests during the war), as long as I have enough turns to finish Russia I'll be fine though.
While it may be easiest to keep using this stack of doom against the rest of the world I plan to play nice from here and go to the stars. Only seems fitting for a stagnation scenario (I did a pretty good job of creating a 2nd one myself!) There won't be too much suspense, I have enough decent land to be assured of making it although I will continue to be behind for quite a while.
Um, about that comment on the rest of the war being I'm a few turns from taking Novgorod, leaving Cathy with an island city to the west and an iceball founded on the northern marble, she vassals to Hannibal. I thought this @^@#* was fixed at some previous point (ie you become at peace with both civs when this happens. It seems like you should at least have that option). I have almost nothing on that border, thankfully the first turn attack is just one knight-phant pair pillaging. However, he soon puts together enough to take Vladivostok from me, then starts building an army there. His buildup is slow enough that I'm confident I will be able to resist losing any more cities. I have cultural control over a dye still and probably will for a while, so I was willing to let him keep it. However, I needed Cathy to de-vassalize so I could capitulate her or wipe her out totally, otherwise her western island would choke Moscow and Novgorod for a long time. I expected her to ditch the vassalship after taking the iceball as it's supposed to happen when the vassal gets below 50% of their original land, and her last city only controlled it's own 2-tile island, but that didn't happen. Frustrated, I whip out galleys in ex-Russia for an invasion. During this time, Hannibal launches an attack that I smash easily and I am able to retake Vladivostok. In 1375 Cathy was just about to be wiped out, but she breaks free from Hanni finally and I capitulate her. Peace with Hanni for 300+ gold.
During this long war I was falling just a bit behind, here's a screen from 1300:
![[Image: 1300Tech.jpg]](
The turnaround comes way faster than I hoped:
In 1315 Moscow and Novgorod (latter containing a 28/turn Jewish shrine!) come out of resistance and my balance jumps by 50 or so. I can turn research to 30% breakeven, bringing me to 100 SSPT at last. I detour to Literature first and finally finish Civil Service in 1335.
When I vassal Catherine I pick up Guilds and Philo (that's why I didn't just kill her off). Justy doesn't have guilds so I can get 130 G + optics for it. I burn through plunder gold to get Paper, then use a stored GS (from the Great Library) to bulb Education, and all of a sudden at 1400AD I have a monopoly on it and running for Liberalism! Hmm, playing from an intentionally sabotaged start, warring continuously for 800 years, taking about that long to self-research CS, and I'm going to land Liberalism? Blake, where are you?
Hmm, lost a bit of log here to a crash. In 1400 I start a golden age (thanks for the Maus, Cathy!) with a single artist. Tenochtitlan generates a 100% prophet for the Christain shrine. I take Econ with Lib in 1435 and gift it to Hannibal immediately for civic bonus. Revolt to FS+FM. Research RP for my windmill hordes (had never used these much before but were quite useful for this mapscript, lots of many hills/low food cities) while I wait for Cathy to crawl to Nationalism. I traded and brokered Education for gunpowder, banking, engineering, and PP. Here's an overview of my lands at the end of the golden age:
By 1550 I've finished Constitution, kicked off another GA (unfortunately, Justy built the Taj). This is roughly where I was on Closing Day...Oops. The civics have pulled Hanni out of annoyed and I can open borders again giving trade income a boost. Hanni is gifting monopoly techs to his vassal Monty, which makes him willing to trade with me and I pick up Chem for Constitution.
As if the crashes weren't enough, here's a nice reminder to get a new video card, or something...
![[Image: 1620newVideoCard.jpg]](
Later on I am treated to the haunting sight of Darius's disembodied beard talking to me also, unfortunately the whole system crashed before I saved that screenshot.
1620 is the last turn of my 2-GP golden age. Have gotten Democracy, Corp, and cusp of Rifling. I discover Hanni has enough on his hands and this time there's no doubt he's coming after me. After concluding that Carthage would be a far better IW city than anything I currently have (I have almost no cities on rivers!), I decide to break my earlier peaceful pledge and absorb Carthage. Pull a last-turn revolt to Nationhood, Merc, and Slavery (the last mostly for ex-carthage cities). Here's the predictable result right after I finish Steel, with Hanni's main force in place too.
War is a breeze, I do lose some Samurai to Grens (not sure what's going on there, the modified Rifle strengh should be 9 2/3 against Grens). Carthage itself taken in 1700, here's a shot:
![[Image: 1710ADExCarthage.jpg]](
Note that the war is over even before any cities come out of resistance. I now control all of the early stone wonders, HG is quite nice as there tend to be considerable health problems with the changes to factories in BTS. Picked up SciMeth and Astro in trades (ouch! went from +30 and almost 900 turn to even and 750/turn, that Colossus was doing a lot of good) and got Music in the peace deal. No capitulation because Justinian hates Hanni and I don't need more diplo penalty.
Around this time it becomes clear Darius is going cultural but has a looong way to go. He actually gives up on it for a while later, then as I get close to launch goes back to it again, weird.
Not much left to report on because
1) I'm behind the schedule,
2) With such a strong position, no doubt about winning. Darius, Justinian, and Ramses are all pleased, (the latter despite the fact I've spelled his name 5 different ways in this writeup) so no threat of war.
3) Now that I'm pulling ahead in tech, the uniqueness of the scenario is basically gone, rest of the game is conventional.
I will note that the Slavery revolt was a mistake, all Carthaginian cities could expand borders by building Culture and only starved once. I also stayed in Merc far too long, I tried switching out once I build the CR and embarrasingly found my gold and science shoot up by a combined 200 or so. Founded Sushi and was quite helpful, eventually got to +8 food with some resource trades. No more tech trades, Darius and Justinian were the only possible sources and monopoly status kept them from sending me any. Couldn't get either to Friendly.
Anyways, I finish the ship (without the optional engine) in 1877 and win in 1895:
For fun, here's the GNP graph:
Yes, that's me holding at 0 for a millenium! At least I had Monty to keep me company down there. I wish you could zoom in on turns in the past to get a better look at that period, it all gets squished by the rise at the end of the graph.