Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic 20 - Broker33

Let me preface this by saying this was my first real game on CIV. I played around on Noble with random games but never really completed one.

I decided to try this set up. I dont know how to do the pictures and never really planed on doing a report but figured why not. This wouldnt be an offical report since I have played it over several times. Been learning with this senario. Best was attempt 3

Immediatly when I opened the game I restructured everything promoted the defenders had my one size 5 city build a worker and got open borders with everybody. Set research to mining since I figured I would need metal sooner rather than later.

Researched mining on my own and part of bronse working.

Hanible got alphabet so I started trading (sorry didnt keep details) watched the screens and traded away theology as soon as I could with anybody to get caught up. Hooked up gold immediatly which helped abit.

Once I got my copper mine hooked up started building axmen and spears and sending them up to satsuma(holy city).

Monty attacked and his stacks bounced against defenses I asked for peace and he agreed

Was building CATS to go get monty when Cathrine declared. All my troops were sitting in the wrong place but she had a city close with 2 longbow axe and archer. Took a gamble and sent the kitchen sink from satsuma and razed the city. Imediatly asked for peace which she bought. (bluff)

Couldnt do anything militarily any more so I tried spreading religion around but couldnt get anybody to convert. Cottaged and waited until I could tech at a reasonable pace. By now I was way behind in tech. Was gifted several techs and Catharine had offered a defense pact. Monty went to war against Darius and was vassalized and never bothered me again.

Noticed that my borders were starting to be crushed by culture then unexplicably Cathrine canceled defense pact and took my capitol and holy city in one turn. Most of my army was down by Hanible just in case (quantity over quality)

Couldnt re-take citys and Cathrine was going to roll me up anyway so I quit.

It has been fun.

Eeek, a stagnation game for your first game of CIV eek! Now that is throwing yourself in at the deep end. Also you got the unlucky turn of an early declaration from Russia. That front was just too long to defend. At least with Monty he'll only go after one city.

May I suggest you go play a few easier games like adventure 28. Then take on the epic 15 that's currently out - I hear it's a good one!

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