I have been thinking of starting up a topic on the PvP aspect of the game but I wasn't sure what I wanted to cover
It is late and I should go to bed soon, but that shouldn't stop me from getting the ball rolling.
Others are concerned about it too.
I will say that, while hoping the game has enough contents for PvE to last a while, or enough contents to come to keep PvE interesting, we would eventually partake in, maybe not so much in tournaments (only time would tell how that is structured) but the GvG aspect of the game anyway. Afterall, GvG is supposed to be a big part of the game.
Zed is right on in what he said in that other thread. What have we here in GW?
- competing against the game - a given, there will be BNMs.
- and de-emphasize competition amongst ourselves. - No probs. it is a team thing us vs other players/guilds.
So this takes care of one of the two major concerns we have about GW. It is a team thing, we are, as group, remain on the same side, no competition among ourselves unless we seek it.
But, there is still one more mental adjustment we (I am speaking as we because I believe that is the general attidute of RBDers) have to make. We don't like PvP, period. At least not in the world of Diablo. There could be many reasons to why that is, to each his own, but the main reason for me is that PvP is simply not balanced in Diablo, and mostly not consensual. The other reason being, I would guess, is that there is a human being at the other end of the stick. Some would have more problems with that than others, and depends on situations.
Because PvP, or GvG (what have you) in GW is consensual and hopefully balanced, because it is THE game, and because it is done in a team environment, I have no problem going semi/full PvP if that is what we want. Afterall, PvP in GW should offer the ultimate challenge in GW game play and infinite varieties.
Now, all I have to do is think of the opposing players as monsters. Maybe we should just call them Ponsters for Player/Monsters. Yeah, that's the ticket, ponsters is much more efficient than opposing-players
The other major concern is
Depends. We are but a small group. While we can argue that a small group of skilled players is just as good as a large group with few skilled players, There are definite advantages to be had for being big.
-They can play more game. Of course, this can be both good or bad for them depending on the scoring system, and how shrew the guild masters/rules are to limit who gets to go into battle.
-They have more resources - not sure how much items will affect the game, but they will.
In the end, we are still going to Play to Win, whether we bring in our uber team (and we will have special strike team(s)), or we choose to go to battle with a team of ScumRUs. The real question is not "Are we going to play to win?", it is "Are we going for the ladder?"
I think not.
And that alone will erase the cautionary mentioned in the other post. We are the RB and need no official score to tell us that we are good. We will not let a scoring system stand in our way of making the most out of our game(s).
Lets hear what everyone thinks.
Quote:Still, the competitive aspect can be bad for us on some points. Are we going to play to win? Or are we going to play BNM and take ubervariants into battle vs other guilds? If we ever do the latter, how will the competition react if/when they realize that is what we are doing? There are a lot of things that could go wrong if we aren't careful.
Still, when Occhi first pointed out this game, the PvP and the teamwork elements were a big part of the appeal. Competitive multiplayer is something that can be very much fun under the right conditions. The odd thing seems to be that one needs to balance SP and MP in order to get stronger characters. That may tend to favor those with lots of time or a greater capacity to handle Feast Mode. We'll just have to see.
Frankly, the biggest appeal so far in SP is the tactical element. I'm afraid that the quest system, or what I've seen of it so far, is rather shallow and even boring. The combat was a lot more interesting than running around gawking at the art and trying to guess at the bonus quests. I never was one for Mario Brothers type "secrets" and puzzles.
It is late and I should go to bed soon, but that shouldn't stop me from getting the ball rolling.
Others are concerned about it too.
Quote:Someone - The thing that concerns me most about Guild Wars, besides the time thing (which may be manageable) is the PVP aspect. Is PVP integrated thoughout the game, or how does it work? As usual, I'm in the dark.
I will say that, while hoping the game has enough contents for PvE to last a while, or enough contents to come to keep PvE interesting, we would eventually partake in, maybe not so much in tournaments (only time would tell how that is structured) but the GvG aspect of the game anyway. Afterall, GvG is supposed to be a big part of the game.
Quote:Zed - Going on the basis of Diablo, Civ, and MOO, I think, in general, we in the RB crowd enjoy competing against the game, far more than competing against other players who don't understand our philosophy. Even when we gather for a more formal competition such as the Epics, care has always been taken to at least attempt to emphasize competition against ourselves and de-emphasize competition amongst ourselves.
Zed is right on in what he said in that other thread. What have we here in GW?
- competing against the game - a given, there will be BNMs.
- and de-emphasize competition amongst ourselves. - No probs. it is a team thing us vs other players/guilds.
So this takes care of one of the two major concerns we have about GW. It is a team thing, we are, as group, remain on the same side, no competition among ourselves unless we seek it.
But, there is still one more mental adjustment we (I am speaking as we because I believe that is the general attidute of RBDers) have to make. We don't like PvP, period. At least not in the world of Diablo. There could be many reasons to why that is, to each his own, but the main reason for me is that PvP is simply not balanced in Diablo, and mostly not consensual. The other reason being, I would guess, is that there is a human being at the other end of the stick. Some would have more problems with that than others, and depends on situations.
Because PvP, or GvG (what have you) in GW is consensual and hopefully balanced, because it is THE game, and because it is done in a team environment, I have no problem going semi/full PvP if that is what we want. Afterall, PvP in GW should offer the ultimate challenge in GW game play and infinite varieties.
Now, all I have to do is think of the opposing players as monsters. Maybe we should just call them Ponsters for Player/Monsters. Yeah, that's the ticket, ponsters is much more efficient than opposing-players

The other major concern is
Quote:Are we going to play to win?
Depends. We are but a small group. While we can argue that a small group of skilled players is just as good as a large group with few skilled players, There are definite advantages to be had for being big.
-They can play more game. Of course, this can be both good or bad for them depending on the scoring system, and how shrew the guild masters/rules are to limit who gets to go into battle.
-They have more resources - not sure how much items will affect the game, but they will.
In the end, we are still going to Play to Win, whether we bring in our uber team (and we will have special strike team(s)), or we choose to go to battle with a team of ScumRUs. The real question is not "Are we going to play to win?", it is "Are we going for the ladder?"
I think not.
And that alone will erase the cautionary mentioned in the other post. We are the RB and need no official score to tell us that we are good. We will not let a scoring system stand in our way of making the most out of our game(s).
Lets hear what everyone thinks.