Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Adventure 31 T-hawk summary

Having trouble finding the motivation to write up a full report, since I finish pretty thoroughly last anyway, and the report for Friendly Takeover is much more interesting.

Culture Victory (surprise!) in 1680 AD. 6 hours 57 minutes played.

I shared Isabella's Buddhism, getting her to Friendly quickly. I got the AP bonuses for free too when she built it. De Gaulle attacked me once with knights and maces, which consumed an hour to fend off with pikes and muskets. I slinged Liberalism to Nationalism, needed to pick up Gunpowder against France, then stopped research.

I got very lucky with Great Artist spawns from a mixed pool in the capital (with Great Library), spawning eleven total. All three cities also got several early wonders thanks to all the resource doublers. Also I focused on the religious buildings early to get the 1000-year doubling of the Sistine bonus. The game was quite satisfying as a speedy game-time cultural win, but I'm completely incapable of playing Civ at any real-time speed other than maximum relaxation. smile

Looks like someone's in line for the tortoise award, eh? wink Of course, I play the exact same way, so I shouldn't be talking!
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T-hawk Wrote:Culture Victory (surprise!) in 1680 AD. 6 hours 57 minutes played.
See it this way: If result were evaluated relative to normal playing times (in your case, 35+ hours per game), this would be a spectacular result - a speed-up factor of approx. 5! My normal games usually last for 2-3 hours, so my speedup factor is only between 2 and 3. Plus, you might be a tortoise - I on the other hand will be forever labelled a silly hare... smile


P.S.: What happened to the smileys? Quite a mix of different styles we have now... :rolleyes:
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

T-hawk Wrote:I'm completely incapable of playing Civ at any real-time speed other than maximum relaxation. smile
dito That I can understand.

My biggest problem in playing Civ is *slowing down*! I have a bad habit of getting impatient to see if I get a wonder, explore new land, etc. I've often done this to myself. bang
Now I hope I slowed down enough for Adv32 and can complete it...

I don't play the game, but I love the size of this one... :catapult:

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