I was away from last Friday until today, and just came home two hours ago (and yes, I already had the urge to check out Realms Beyond - might be a sign I've spent way too much time in this forum already...
). I played Adventure 32, and on short notice sent DerangedDuck (the Sponsor) a PM with my executive summary, asking him to post it for me on report day. Looks like he didn't receive it or never read it. 
I will post a more detailed report in the next couple of days when I've recovered from my yearly "biking, castles and beer"-tour (through Luxembourg this time).
Until then, I post the summary I sent to DerangedDuck.
here's my ultra-short summary for Adventure 32 - Friendly Takeover, as I'm on vacation until Wednesday. I will provide a more detailed report when I'm back.
Due to time constraints, I decided not to capture any cities, neither via passive aggression nor by military force. I had only 4 cities until very late in the game, when 2 cities flipped to me. I know this was not optimal scoring-wise, but ah well. (My only gripe with this otherwise excellent scenario is that it rewards military conquest...)
I founded 3 corporations until 1AD: Standard Ethanol, Sid's Sushi and Civilized Jewelers. I only managed to build 1 extra executive, though.
Until 1500AD, I managed to found only 1 additional corporation: Aluminium Co (I lost Creative Construction by 6 turns).
I won a cultural victory in 1808AD.
So my score is:
1AD: 3*100 + 4*10 = 340
1500AD: 4*50 + 42*2 + 4*3 = 296
End: -274 + 111 + 6*2 = -151
Total: 340 + 296 - 151 = 485
I was away from last Friday until today, and just came home two hours ago (and yes, I already had the urge to check out Realms Beyond - might be a sign I've spent way too much time in this forum already...

I will post a more detailed report in the next couple of days when I've recovered from my yearly "biking, castles and beer"-tour (through Luxembourg this time).

here's my ultra-short summary for Adventure 32 - Friendly Takeover, as I'm on vacation until Wednesday. I will provide a more detailed report when I'm back.
Due to time constraints, I decided not to capture any cities, neither via passive aggression nor by military force. I had only 4 cities until very late in the game, when 2 cities flipped to me. I know this was not optimal scoring-wise, but ah well. (My only gripe with this otherwise excellent scenario is that it rewards military conquest...)
I founded 3 corporations until 1AD: Standard Ethanol, Sid's Sushi and Civilized Jewelers. I only managed to build 1 extra executive, though.
Until 1500AD, I managed to found only 1 additional corporation: Aluminium Co (I lost Creative Construction by 6 turns).
I won a cultural victory in 1808AD.
So my score is:
1AD: 3*100 + 4*10 = 340
1500AD: 4*50 + 42*2 + 4*3 = 296
End: -274 + 111 + 6*2 = -151
Total: 340 + 296 - 151 = 485
There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider