Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Imperium 23 - Resistance is Futile - Now Open!

I think the time is right for our first Extreme Imperium in a while: Can you assimilate the galaxy?

We are RBO - 23 of 50 of the Meklar. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service us.

This will definitely be an interesting one. Oddly, I'm half way through a similarly set up game for the Klackons.

I do hope others are enjoying this one (I realize the lack of posts in this thread may just be because most folks don't always ask silly nit-picky questions like me) - at all events, I should at least mention: Game complete!

Game complete. I don't know if I'll have time to make a really good report in the next 4 days, but I'll try...
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Maniac Marshall Wrote:Game complete. I don't know if I'll have time to make a really good report in the next 4 days, but I'll try...
I hope you get the chance - but my recollection is that even thrown-together reports you didn't consider "really good" have been very enjoyable to read, so I'm looking forward to it regardless!

On your Imperium question in the Unofficial Patch thread: I'm definitely interested in ideas for upcoming Imperia! Feel free to PM suggestions to me or to send me an e-mail via my profile page. (Sullla has asked me to take over vetting Imperium games here.) This goes for anyone, of course - any ideas or suggestions at all are welcome, from, "Let's get some more of these on Impossible!" (or "Can we get a game on lower difficulty, please?") to "How about a game with no ship building allowed?"* to "I've got this really great idea and a save game I think will work for it; would you like me to sponsor the next Imperium?"

* - Don't worry; I'm not actually planning a no-ship-building game.

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