Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] Pacal II of China Greens - Strike700

Figured now that the game looks like its running, I might as well Get my thread going.

So after taking a quick look at the map I think I'll go Expansion with the nice U rock right next to my home..... wink

[Image: ICBattlecruisersResonateAleph.jpg]

Fooled anyone....? Probably not, but it does get me some filler for all you misclickers out there. :neenernee
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Now for the real nuts and bolts duh

[Image: nutsAndBolts.gif]

Okay Okay, no more puns I swear bow

[Image: ign_bts_516b.jpg]

So what do I know about Pacal? Nothing (Other than the fact that he seems pretty angry most of the time!) really, since I've never actually played as the intrepid Mayan.. errr Chinese! leader.

But I do like Financial and better commerce potential and Expansives quick workers aren't too shabby of traits if I may say so myself. Combined with a decent middle age UU i feel pretty lucky with my civ roll.

Well how about the other Players:

Only know him from RBPB2 which is not a great indicator (I think anyway) of his skill. He does not appear to have reservations about taking risks or at least attempting military action. Definately one to watch if starts near me.

Civ: Peter of Egypt

Cre/Phi doesn't Strike me as particularly Powerful, but free border pops are nice. waht really worries me is Jowys Penchant fior Early violence backed up by War Chariots. Will probably keep my Defence a Little Higher if he's within 4 Start positions of me!

Very accomplished at Diplomacy from what I can tell lurking his RBPB3 Game, Master of being friendly to all and enemy of none. More than likely is going to cooperate heavily with malakai who is his RL friend. May have to keep and eye on those two especially if I end up between them!

Civ: Catherine of Maya
Cre/Imp is good for Rexing but I'm not sure how effective that strategy is in MP. Ball courts are a Strong UB and Holkans are not bad.

Nice enough dude couldn't find too much on this guy though, seems pretty new (In a green game who'd of thought!). Read his adv 44 report and he seems competant at the SP game, we'll see if that transfers over to the MP game.

Civ: Victoria of Babylon

Victoria is one of my Favorite Leaders. Fin/Imp is powerful for getting out cities quick since you can support them. Babylon's bowman is good for preventing rushes, but Health is usually not an issue so Gardens fall a little flat.
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Now lets take a look at the start:

[Image: civ4screenshot0036.jpg]

A Peak in the initial 9 tiles? Who designed this Power start anyway? :neenernee

Well its not so bad, since I do get to found on a plains hill and have those yummy Grassland Pigs. Moved warrior northwest and saw corn, but don't see the advantage in abandoning grassland hills and flood plains for 4-5 more plains tiles. So I found in place on turn 0.

[Image: civ4screenshot0037.jpg]

Well that looks a little better. Not a stellar commerce city, but it does have some serious production potential. Oh hey and Look! Stone nearby. Thar might be Wonders off the starboard bow! Pop out a quick Henge or something. And that potential Commerce city off to the Northwest rivers and grassland a plenty.
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

And lets take a look at Turn number 2

[Image: civ4screenshot0043.jpg]

Yup defintately room for some cottages up there, and it looks like its towards the coast as well! And coastal fish to boot! And Grassland Forest Furs! Wait Grassland Forest Furs? Is that a natural tile or did Speaker give us a bit of quick Luxury to play with?
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

After taking a closer look, It seems that I'm in the bottom part of the map. That combined with the slope of the inland sea makes think towards bottom right.

[Image: civ4screenshot0044.jpg]

Not terribly useful at this point but its an update!
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Found another happiness resource within the first ring. jive I think the map being set up for an always war game is going to help out us Greenies quite a bit. There is quite a few goodies near my cap and it wouldn't surprise me if others were the same!

2 PLayers have discovered techs so far. Seifer_md and Kyan. The problem is that i don't know what techs they started with so i can't figure out what they discovered. bang

Forgot to swap from a 1-2-0 to a floodplain and lost 3 beakers. Gotta pay more attention to my city tile management. smoke
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Worker finished, moved onto the pigs to start pasturing next turn when Animal husbandry comes in.

From looking at the score Jowy, Cull and myself went for tier 2 techs while the other 3 picked up tier one techs.
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Strike700 Wrote:Worker finished, moved onto the pigs to start pasturing next turn when Animal husbandry comes in.

From looking at the score Jowy, Cull and myself went for tier 2 techs while the other 3 picked up tier one techs.

All ancient age techs give a score of 6, IIRC.
I have to run.

Nifty, I Did not know that. Thanks! smile

Well from looking at the fact that those three finished techs 3 turns ago and the later 3 just finished them this turn, would i be probably correct in assuming that the first three went for cheaper t1 techs? huh

*Edit* do people in PBEM's usually take pics before or after ending the turn?
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles
PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter

Strike700 Wrote:Well from looking at the fact that those three finished techs 3 turns ago and the later 3 just finished them this turn, would i be probably correct in assuming that the first three went for cheaper t1 techs? huh

That's usually the explanation.

Strike700 Wrote:*Edit* do people in PBEM's usually take pics before or after ending the turn?

A bit of both, after ending turn production is applied, so you can take screenshots of a wonder finishing etc.
I have to run.

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