Now for the real nuts and bolts
Okay Okay, no more puns I swear
So what do I know about Pacal? Nothing (Other than the fact that he seems pretty angry most of the time!) really, since I've never actually played as the intrepid Mayan.. errr Chinese! leader.
But I do like Financial and better commerce potential and Expansives quick workers aren't too shabby of traits if I may say so myself. Combined with a decent middle age UU i feel pretty lucky with my civ roll.
Well how about the other Players:
Only know him from RBPB2 which is not a great indicator (I think anyway) of his skill. He does not appear to have reservations about taking risks or at least attempting military action. Definately one to watch if starts near me.
Civ: Peter of Egypt
Cre/Phi doesn't Strike me as particularly Powerful, but free border pops are nice. waht really worries me is Jowys Penchant fior Early violence backed up by War Chariots. Will probably keep my Defence a Little Higher if he's within 4 Start positions of me!
Very accomplished at Diplomacy from what I can tell lurking his RBPB3 Game, Master of being friendly to all and enemy of none. More than likely is going to cooperate heavily with malakai who is his RL friend. May have to keep and eye on those two especially if I end up between them!
Civ: Catherine of Maya
Cre/Imp is good for Rexing but I'm not sure how effective that strategy is in MP. Ball courts are a Strong UB and Holkans are not bad.
Nice enough dude couldn't find too much on this guy though, seems pretty new (In a green game who'd of thought!). Read his adv 44 report and he seems competant at the SP game, we'll see if that transfers over to the MP game.
Civ: Victoria of Babylon
Victoria is one of my Favorite Leaders. Fin/Imp is powerful for getting out cities quick since you can support them. Babylon's bowman is good for preventing rushes, but Health is usually not an issue so Gardens fall a little flat.