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Joined: Jan 2010
Why did I choose Kandros Fir of the Khazad?
1. The dwarves ability: more gold per city equal better result, less gold equal bad result.
-less than 50 gold per city: 2 unhappy faces in all cities
-50-99: 1 unhappy face per city
-100-149: no effect
-150-199: 1 happy face in all cities
-200-299: 2 happy face in all cities, 10% production in all cities
-300-599: 2 happy face in all cities, 25% production in all cities
->500: 3 happy face in all cities, 40% production in all cities, 25% GP in all cities
This can be both good, and bad. It slows down research and expansion rate, but if you can get it too even 200 gold per city, its a very useful bonus. The max limit is ungodly, and is only slightly less than the hammer bonus from Buern. in the normal game.
2. Each give gets a specal palace unique to their race. I get a palace with a free gold resource, -10% War Weariness in Empire, +20% City Defense in Empire, 1 happy face in capital, 8 gold in capital, 1 hammer in capital, and 2 culture. A pretty strong capital.
3. The Ale luxury resource gives my units +2 experience points. This is pretty minor, but still somewhat useful.
4. Double movement on hills. Very useful.
5. The leader, Aggresive, Fiancial, Inguenity is good. Aggresive give C1, but C1 give +20% str. in Fall from Heaven 2. Fiancial is the same from normal civ, and is quite good in a no tech trading game. Inguenity give me 50 gold at start, at 50% upgrade costs. The 50 gold is useful for only giving me +1 unhappy in capital, instead of the +2 unhappy. But then all Khazad leaders have it.
6. Hero: Maros. Give him CG, plant me in a city defense with 50% city defense and 12 str. with some metal, and you got a tough nut to crack. A possible vampire counter to Bob.
Those are what I consider to be the main reasons the Khazad are good. Their world spell is okay, but if used in the late game, can oven cause starvation in high pop cities.
Athlete, thoughts on my civ pick?