Horselover Fat's journal - Iskender and the Hippus
Hi Archduke Better to delete your post and write it in an answer to your starting post else anyone moving the mouse over the threadtitle will read your plans.
I'm hoping to do some analysis of the players' positions in this game, and to do so, it would be nice to have some comparable figures. Turn 50 (a nice round figure) is up and coming soon, so could you upload a few screenshots (city view and overall), and describe your situation at the end of it, please? 1) What are you building in your city\cities? What tiles are you working? 2) What is your current research and hammer potential? 3) Do you feel you have been affected much by Stasis? By River of Blood? 4) What techs have you researched so far? Thanks a lot! P.S. I'm posting this in every player's thread, by the way.
Alright, after a little hickup, I managed to open the save Sareln sent me.
So what do we have her... Oh my!! ![]() I have never seen so many Archers in a Goblin fort before. Just look at them! They must have rabbit genes... When I checked inside the city, I found three warriors (one damaged), and a worker. The worker managed to farm the Corn, and has already run out of things to improve... Crafting will come in soon, but no Wine resource within the borders, so the worker will have to wait another 20+ turns, when Mining comes in, before he can do something... This is what Archduke PM'ed me before leaving: TheArchduke Wrote:It is pretty straightforward. I am researching Crafting to get to mining asap. I am building a settler who will go to the east to settle on the plains hill with the ressources in place. Escort him with two warriors and build more warriors to defend everything. Dear Lurkers, I'm not entirely sure, but do you think he means the spot north of the Rice? Ilios Wrote:Dear Lurkers, I'm not entirely sure, but do you think he means the spot north of the Rice?As a Guess, id say yes................ If those archers come for you, you are not going to last long with 3 warriors esp with 2 going on a jolly with a settler. TheArchduke Wrote:It is pretty straightforward. I am researching Crafting to get to mining asap. I am building a settler who will go to the east to settle on the plains hill with the ressources in place. Escort him with two warriors and build more warriors to defend everything. Understatment of the Century!!!!!!
Globally Lurking:
Unspoilt in all (at the moment) Playing: Finished: PBEM 11: Hammurabi of England (Probably Last) Pitboss 4: Wang Kon of Arabia (Finished 7th out of 8) ![]()
Ok another gobbo has appeared on the borders, so I decided to switch builds to another warrior, since I won't be leaving the city behind with just the one warrior as defense...