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Hello to everyone, and a question or two.......

Hello everyone smile This seems to be a nice community. I hope that I will fit in. smile

I just came back to Civ after moving on to other things, and am happy I did smile [Come back, that is.] I also bought the Civ 3 Complete edition. Was that a good thing? I already had Civ 3, Conquests and PTW. I hoped that everything would be all together in the new edition. It turns out that Complete is version 1.22, and I know that the upgrade version 1.29 is out [I have it d'loaded but not installed]. Should I install it to the Complete edition? Will it make a difference? Should I uninstall and go back to Civ3 and Conquests? [Is Superman faster than the Flash?]

I have looked on several boards, and have seen mixed comments on 1.29. Several people commented that it really messed up their computers, and that they now can't play Civ at all, which I want very much to avoid. So, any help on this will be much appreciated.

Also, I have a problem with creating a world. It seems that I can't. When I click on the editor, i get a list of dialogue boxes telling me of all the things the editor cannot find--something like 20 or 25 boxes, listing all the terrains, and then units, I think. [Each of the several times I have tried to edit a world, I have finally used the cntrl-alt-del route and have to shut down to make all those dialogue boxes quit popping up.] Again, any help on this will be much appreciated. smile

So, thank you in adavance for reading all this, and I hope everyone is having a great day--or night, as that's what it is here smile


Hello and welcome! smile If you're interested in challenging yourself and "legitimate" play (that is, avoiding cheats and exploits), please don't worry about fitting in. Relax and be yourself, because variety will only help to keep things interesting around here.

I think the general consensus (here, anyway) is that CivIII version 1.29f is the most balanced version of the game, and off the top of my head I don't remember any mess-up-your-computer type issues with it. Of course, there are exploits and balance issues in every version of the game. Some of the exploits were addressed in the expansions, but they also added several new features that made major balance changes to the game (see "10 Reasons...", below, for some examples). Of course, the expansions also added some interface changes that are now hard to live without, and the conquests are quite fun.

If you want to participate in the Epics games, then you'll need to be running the specified version for that particular game. But, if you're looking for fun, I think that largely depends on personal taste.

Whatever you decide, I hope to read more about your games in the future. readtoastread


Thank you for the welcome, and yes, legitimate play is , for me, the only play smile I'm happy to hear about version 1.29 and will be installing it momentarily. It wil be some time before I try an epic game, as i'm just trying the 'warlord' lvl now. The game has changed a lot since I last played.

I had just gotten Civ3, several years ago, when my wife and I both tryed one of the online RPG's. Civ 2 was my hobby until then. This takes some getting used to smile

Thank you again, and I hope to be learning more about Civ 3 for a long time smile Laters.....


Just a quick update [got to go to work]--by installing the patch 1.29 my map editor now works! I love it! smile

Hi Journey,

If you're trying to decide which version to play, I'd recommend the latest patch of PTW. Version 1.27, I think it was. PTW does have a number of interface improvements over plain Civ 3, and it adds to the gameplay with the new civs and units (primarily medieval infantry) without being unbalanced or broken.

Conquests has a number of gameplay problems. See the "where Conquests went wrong" thread for a good look into that. Not all of them will impact a new player playing on Warlord, but you will see some; for sure you'll see at least the non-existent barbarian AI and near-invinciblity of army units once you get some. You'd eventually see other abusable Conquests elements as well, such as the Philosophy free tech beeline.

The Conquests scenarios are new and different, but they all change the basic rules of the game in many ways. If you aren't used to the basic game of Civ 3 yet, I'd recommend to play games in PTW, then play the Conquests scenarios when you want something else.

Have fun!

- T-hawk

I would recommend Conquests, and in general do not agree with the "throw out the baby with the bath water" attitude toward it. There are some very good changes in Conquest as well.

See for more information.

I would have to go with Conquest. In fact the only time I use C3 or PTW is for looking at someone elses games and one PBEM that is over 2 years old.

If nothing else you will find more options and more support (community) for C3C. Anyway good luck.

I as well am new, and I figured this would be a good first thread to introduce myself. I have been playing civ3 since it came out but have been living in a veritable cave; not knowing of any of these communities. As well i have the most basic version 1.07f and im wondering where to get patches from...if i should install them at all.

You're playing 1.07f still?! eek My goodness, that's like the dinosaur days for Civ3! lol Back in the days of trading away cities for techs, and endless whipping, and needing to lumberjack in order to get ANY shields at all away from the core due to brutal corruption... Is it sad that I can still remember all this stuff? smile

In answer to your question though, you can get the most recent patch (1.29f)for stand-alone Civ3 at the Firaxis website:

Regarding some community stuff, we recently finished an Epic game and there's been some good discussion about how to play a very challenging game. That might be a good place to start some reading if you're interested; the discussion thread should be right below this one in the forum. Nice to hear from you! smile
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Thanks Sulla! btw it was thru your website that i got the link to come here...and thru your stories of RBciv epics that i decided to come. Its a very well done website.

Edit: Im also assuming the patches are good so i should install them right?

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