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PBEM 5D - TT's attempt at salvation!

My aim in this game is to make my play in PBEM3 look awesome.........


Ok, so basically these are the game settings:

Tiny mirror map
Prince difficulty
No Barbs
No Huts or Events
Always War

and scooter chose for us the lovely combination of....

"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Well here is my first update as our first 'blitz session' comes to an end.

[Image: civ4screenshot0002b.jpg]

I have just played my turn 13. I played first so mackoti score will update after he has played. Red line is the middle of the mirror map.

However, he decided to settle on turn 1 instead of turn 0 so I have 1 turn advantage right now. Its not much but with nearly identical city sites (as he moved) its something I can take advantage of.

I'm trying to figure out why he moved, as I don't see any better sites. My guess is he moved onto a grassland and moved back onto the original start. He was working identical food and production as me in the early game so he must have settled on a plains hill.

He is still working the Oasis I believe, as I have had a higher food count than him for a couple of turns now due to my first worker improving the corn. As you can see, I have a second worker due out next turn, so that will mean I get the rice and horse hooked up quickly.

Next plan is a barracks while the city grows - no warrior built by mackoti yet (and would take ages to get here) and no barbs so lets get ready for promoted Keshiks.

With nearby horse, I am initially thinking of beelining HBR as soon as I find out if copper is close. Then it will be Barracks & Stable boosted Keshiks trying to surprise him.

I would not be surprised if he is thinking the same, but I cannot ignore it!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Ok another update for you. I have just passed on turn 48.

Here is my empire:

[Image: civ4screenshot0003d.jpg]

I rushed out to these three cities pretty quickly to claim the centre and get a protected route established.

To emphasise this, this was my build queue at my capital from the beginning:


Jive is back at size one as I have had to whip it twice to protect myself from the units sent by mackoti. The downside of Jive was the amount of jungle protection attackers are given, but I thought it was a necessary risk.

The library has already paid dividends at the capital, as I built an Academy 3 turns ago. That means my GNP is roughly double right now, though culture will play some part in this.

Techwise, I have just researched HBR so these are the techs I have researched:


Next will be Iron Working to get those Gems hooked up so I can make the most of my academy. After that I will make a run at some religious techs and maybe pull off a Feudalism Oracle grab if the opportunity is there.

As I mentioned earlier, there is an 'annoyance' at Jive which has made me whip hard, and here is the situation at the end of this turn.

[Image: civ4screenshot0004m.jpg]

I imagine he will be going for the Copper next, at which point I will assess the odds to see if I can take out at least 2 of the units.

That may be it for tonight but we shall see. I'll try and keep you updated as best I can!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Well I have conceded this game at the end of the current turn.

In retrospect, Jive was just too much of a risk with the amount of jungle and forest to prevent counter-attacks and I paid for it as his stack of Keshiks plus some infantry took out my major force.

I could have kept going, but I would have likely had to lose one more city and then it would be too late.

I should have looked at being a bit more conservative with my early settling and I may have kept in front and defended better.

But all in all, I played ok but took a big risk and it didn't come off this time.

I have offered mackoti a rematch on another map with a different combo, lets see his response! I want revenge!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:But all in all, I played ok but took a big risk and it didn't come off this time.

I have offered mackoti a rematch on another map with a different combo, lets see his response! I want revenge!

This is the great thing about duels like this - quick fun and quick learning. Good luck on the rematch!
I have to run.

Ok guys - turn 22 update for you from the rematch.

Firstly, as you already know - we are Catherine of Maya.

Here is my 'empire' at this time:

[Image: civ4screenshot0001c.jpg]

As you can see, 2 workers and a settler due out very soon, hopefully to the multi-floodplain city site my warrior is uncovering.

Best of all, no mackoti units in sight!

This is because I took a big risk and it paid off luckily. I have had so many bad experiences with warriors hanging around my territory looking in my cities, so I tracked his warrior with mine until he was out of forest or jungle for one turn. Now unfortunately this was on a hill, but it was still my best odds for killing him before he could camp outside my capital.

Now this was obviously before I remembered that Holkans don't need copper! So I took on the odds at 25 ish percent and won (and got promoted to Woody 2 for the pleasure). Now I am around his capital staying in forests to try and annoy him a bit, and make the most of my luck.

In hindsight, a ludicrous risk when I could've waited for Holkans but it paid off this time.

For reference - this is my build and research path from start of the game:


Agri->BW->Hunting->AH->Wheel->Pottery (current)

After pottery, I am going religious and I am going to try and aim for a Feudalism Oracle, then use the longbows to defend some aggressive settling in the mountain pass (see I'm learning from last time!)
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

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