Ok guys - turn 22 update for you from the rematch.
Firstly, as you already know - we are Catherine of Maya.
Here is my 'empire' at this time:
As you can see, 2 workers and a settler due out very soon, hopefully to the multi-floodplain city site my warrior is uncovering.
Best of all, no mackoti units in sight!
This is because I took a big risk and it paid off luckily. I have had so many bad experiences with warriors hanging around my territory looking in my cities, so I tracked his warrior with mine until he was out of forest or jungle for one turn. Now unfortunately this was on a hill, but it was still my best odds for killing him before he could camp outside my capital.
Now this was obviously before I remembered that Holkans don't need copper! So I took on the odds at 25 ish percent and won (and got promoted to Woody 2 for the pleasure). Now I am around his capital staying in forests to try and annoy him a bit, and make the most of my luck.
In hindsight, a ludicrous risk when I could've waited for Holkans but it paid off this time.
For reference - this is my build and research path from start of the game:
Agri->BW->Hunting->AH->Wheel->Pottery (current)
After pottery, I am going religious and I am going to try and aim for a Feudalism Oracle, then use the longbows to defend some aggressive settling in the mountain pass (see I'm learning from last time!)