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EPIC 49 - Speculation Thread

What do you think #49 will be?

My guess - Just beat Sid. Talk about mission impossible. rant

I honestly have no clue - it could be any variety of things.

All I know is that I'm eager to play!

Epic 49 will be my first C3C tournament, so I wish it won't be Sid, because I never played this level. I think it could a honorable variant game.

I'm hoping for a high (but not too high) variant which includes diplomacy + warring. Demigod level with a restriction on war before 1000AD and an obligation to (perhaps Always) war after 1000 AD.
Think of a name like "Crusades unlimited"; in 1000 AD the nation suddenly realises all other civs are unworhty to share the planet and need to be taken over.

I would like a scoring game, perhaps based on number of cities taken/razed as that decreases the score if you grow big and strong before 1000 AD. It also increases the score if you have few lands at 1000 AD, so a balance of city numbers has to be found for the humans. Could be a nice twist: expand big: low potential score, but high chance of victory; expand small: high potential score, but lower chance of victory.

And this can be interlaced by victory date. Haven't thought on how it could be interlaced though.

Anyway; I want to play another Epic.

-random thought-

Are you hoping for this....or proposing this? wink
I am new to this whole Epics thing so I don't know what it takes to be a sponsor, but maybe you should look into it?
I do like the idea and (as far as I'm concerned) its original, but that whole cities before 1000AD thing could be a little confusing/complicated. As well could that whole 1000AD thing be more flexible? Just (Ie: like the crusades are triggered when chivalry is reached or the templar is built) some things to think about. If you want a really crusaders themed game you could make the goal to declare war on everyone....but your objective would be to capture and hold every city belonging to the civ geographically farthest from you on the map (a pangea). Anyhow, I love the idea of a partial always war game and you can probably explore how the Ai handles this transition (as if heres anything eles to learn about the ai tongue)

Flint: hoping.

But I'm willing to propose it and even sponsor it, if Sirian and Griselda (and the players) like it.

So...the calm after the brainstorm.

Will there be an Epic 49, and if so, when?

Yes, Ginger Ale, there is an Epic 49.

Or, there will be. That's all I know at the moment, though.

Can Realms Beyond for Civ3 make it to fifty? Fifty is such a nice number to stop at. Half of one-hundred, it is much better than 49, or 51. Fifty epics over what, four years? That would be nice. Is this a sign of OCD? I couldn't live with myself if it made it to only 49, or got to 51. Don't mind me if you do either only get to 49 or make it to 51, just think about little old me, going nuts from thinking about it. wink

Wierd how I was thinking the same thing. So if the community agrees with your desire for only 2 more epics, then we must plan them very carefully. When does civ4 come out, november? If it is november then maybe an epic in June and then one in August? I dont know, but we should try and space them carefully and find out when there is the most availability. Well I support your idea Dunedine smile 50 is such a well rounded number. (maybe that was Sirian's dream all along)

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