Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Note to KoP on Glade Mission

Ok, I promised kop a semi-sensible explanation of what I was trying to say.

Here is the situation:


The White Mantle crystal generator is at "Z", the Hero one at "X".

The three portals that have to be attuned are 1, 2, and 3 (what an imagination, eh?). The final portal is the "P". The White Mantle start with Portal 3 already attuned.

I burned this mission the first time just watching and messing with the AI. Here is what I learned (valid this build only, no coupons accepted):

(1) If they do not own it, the WM will ALWAYS go for portal 2 (makes sense, closest one).

(2) If NO ONE owns 2, and they own 3, they will go for Portal 1.

(3 ) Once they are closer to the Portal they set out for than the others, they will continue and finish their current choice even if this choice, due to changing conditions, is not the preferred one.

Given these 3 observations, you have a no-mess, no-fuss, no-fight way to finish the mission lol

Grab the crystal at X, and attune 1.

This invokes observation 2, and the WM will go for Port 1.

Grab the crystal at X, run to Port 2, and do nothing. Yawn.

Wait until the WM have gotten past "P", and they are closer to port 1 than port 2, and attune 2 and make a dash for X for another crystal. You are now on the clock, and seconds count...

You will hit the X just seconds after they hit the 1. Instead of hanging around and ganking you, they will go back to Z for a crystal to attune Port 2 and win. To go from 1 to Z to 2 will take them longer than for you to go from X to 1 to X to 3 becuase of the way the path curves around P. Trust me on that one. thumbsup

Game over.

The real beauty of this procedure, though, is it is re-settable. If you trip over your shoe-laces on the way to 3 and the WM attunes 2 before you get there--no worries. Attune 3, go back to X, get a crystal, go back to 2, let them attune 3, and start over again.

Before anyone cries for the AI, though, remember that this is a cheesy fix for the main mission, but you cannot get the bonus this way. To get the bonus, you are going to have to fight and take every last one out, so that you can get to the boss at Z.

But if all you have are henchies, and you want to move on, and you're planning on geting the bonus later, it works...


It's quite possible to finish the mission with just henchies. Someone mentioned this approach, I tried it, it worked.

1) Attune 1
2) Head to P
3 )Target anyone bringing a crystal past P to get to 1, and kill him. Use target calling to make sure henchies focus fire ppropriately. Ignore anyone else until you've killed the crystal-bearer. Do not leave the area around P.
4) Once the enemy team is pretty much dead, move into their base and mop up.
5) Attune 1 and 3.

I've also read you can do similar things by holding the area around 2. I'd tend to think that the obstruction of the P crystal would make it a bit easier to do it there though.

I've never been able to do this mission without taking out all of their crystal bearers and wiping out the army. Worked out nicely because that got me the bonus, but it was still a pain.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I still remember fondly the first time I did this mission during one of the beta events. Being the crystal carrier with my 3-sprint-escapist Ranger was great fun ^_^

For what I remember, in the final run when we (narrowly) managed to win I did 2 -> 1 -> 3. The team was bravely holding the front at 1 when I took 2, then it all went downhill from there smile

Last night at the Glade, I was about to quit for the night since there werent enuf peeps to form a group and it was getting late. That's when I saw someone advertise free mission and bonus solo run. I was thinking "wth, solo run and bonus on top of that!?", so i joined.

There were 3 of us in the party, one of them being a friend of the runner propmtly committed suicide so he can record the event with Frap. I also got myself killed so I can watch.

The video they were making is going to be a supplement to his W/R running/soloing Aurora Glade (mission + bonus) guide. The video is not up yet but I can attest to his methods. It worked smoothly - worth a looksee


I've only completed that mission once and that was recently. It turned into complete chaos right from the start.8)

Ivy Foxifer dived in and immediately attracted abuse from Riara Renthese for some transgression or other that completely eludes me. Kronin Thistleknott realizing that it was "game on" rushed headlong in support of Ivy. Seijin's Necromancer (IIRC) wasn't going to hang around and let us have all the fun so she raced in with us. I believe the Henchies were Alesia and Claude, I could be wrong.

So there we were. A loose bunch of us not really knowing what we were doing and Riara Renthese scooting about with crystal in hand rattling off some highly critical lectures on the run.

The white mantle came in and managed to successfully tune every portal that they bothered to try. The cohesive RB bunch lasted maybe thirty seconds before fracturing into pairs and soloists with little RB vs. WM skirmishes erupting all over the map. I think we might have had three moderate damage semi-solo builds there, but then considering the guild inquestion that's hardly surprising.

But whatever. Even in our disparate little clumps of activity we still steamrolled our way to victory (bonus included) and proceeded to explore the map. thumbsup

Hey, i do remember that.

I was under the assumption we were just doing bonus. But I think Drasca (Riara) was going to do it straight up...the way it was meant to be done. So he was telling us where to defend and place ourselves, but i think we got scattered from the beginning. Fox went to pedestal 2 I think, I watched because I had no idea where everyone was going. I was just going to attack the demagogue. I think I even asked if we were just doing bonus and no one

Anyways, as the white mantle groups got killed off, I decided to just sneak in and kill the demagogue by going around, past pedestal 3. I forgot who came with me, but we killed the demagogue before we killed the rest of the mantle. He's really easy to kill. He's not even a boss.


Seijin Wrote:I was under the assumption
The death cry of Realms Beyond! lol

Your memories are flawed. We had two runs that night. One completely bombed with our disorganized arses.

The first we scattered with fox tried running the crystal--wasting effort claiming shrine 1 to start with. That got claimed by the AI, and shrines 2 and 3 didn't get reclaimed. Death for us. Plus, the rest of us went everywhere and refused to run away from overaggro.

It was the second run where I respecced and grabbed portals myself, our teams stayed relatively together, THEN we won.

Drasca Wrote:Your memories are flawed. We had two runs that night. One completely bombed with our disorganized arses.
It is your memory that is flawed.

I have only ever entered that mission on three occasions.

1.) Ragnar towing a 5 hench suicide squad with no clue and inevitable results.

2.) One of my characters and a European aquaintence. His first attempt. Inevitable results.

3.) The one mentioned in my post above.

Perhaps you ran twice. I know I wasn't there. tongue

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