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Hi everyone,
Okay, I know it's my fault because I don't play enough. I admit that up front.
Nonetheless, I am confused regarding progression in the game, and would like some advice. My warrior/monk, Hawkmoon of Realms, is currently at The Wilds mission-wise, but I've spent some time running around Kryta, and the last time I played I PuGed my way to the Temple of the Ages. I gathered from the chat that one gets to the Fissure of Woe by paying your profession's Champion a platinum piece. So my question is, should I be spending more time completing missions before coming back there? In other words, how does it fit into the storyline? Will I, at some future point, be transported back there anyway, or is it just a random eddy in the GW world? I dunno what the FoW is all about, story-wise. I haven't Ascended or anything (I still don't know what the heck that means, even), and I'm at level 16. So, advice, thoughts, insults?
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This Fissure of Woe (and the Underworld) are the two high-level areas in the game. You are required to be ascended before you can enter them, so you've got a bit of time before you need to worry about it yet. Also, it helps to have the two attribute quests (+15 attribute points each) done before going down there.
As for entering, it's not quite pay your own god to get in. Each god has (or is susposed to have) their own realm. At the moment, only Balthazar's (Fissure of Woe) and Grenth's (Underworld) can be accessed, they're probabllly saving the rest for expansions.
As for fitting into the story line, I'm not sure it does anymore once you can actually enter the places. Personally, I waited until I was done the missions before bothering to try either of the areas, and I think most of the others did too (or were close to finishing it at least).
Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense.
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Thanks, SoulFlayer, for the info - I shall concentrate on getting through missions and quests, then, and not worry about the UW and the FoW for the present.
So, anyone up for a run through The Wilds tonight? Last time I let myself get sucked into a PuG group, which was an example of weakness on my part. Actually, I've lucked into some pretty good PuGs, but this was a joke - when I joined the group, I was the fourth person, and that made it 3 W/Mo's and 1 R/Mo. The group leader promptly added 2 more W/Mo's, and hit the Enter Mission button without asking if everyone was ready. Before running off frantically down the path, I pointed out, "We're a seriously unbalanced group. We ought to go back to town and change the makeup." Another W/Mo chimed in, "I don't have the right skills, I need to go back to town." Everyone else ran off - the leader replies (to both of us, I guess), "F*ck it, let's just do it." Had I been smarter (or less masochistic), I would have just exited right then. But, curiosity about how this Intrepid Little Band would do got the better of me, and I tagged along. Needless to say, I was at -60 DP in short order, and so was everyone else but the Ranger, who had the sense to stay way back. It was a joke - amusing for a while, but I decided after a bit that enough was enough, and was the second team member to quit.
Anyone up for The Wilds tonight?
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Heh. That about sums up half the PuG games you'll run into. There's often one bad apple that spoils the bunch. Advice: Those of us with characters at the end of the game grow weary of repetitions of the southern shiverpeaks and the island chain. Aside from those areas there's FoW and UW which about rounds out all the options, so don't hesitate to jump on the guild channel to let us know the train is about to depart Wilds Platform 1. The chances are some bored guildmate will be only too willing to bring a decently overpowered meat grinder back for a little fun.
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Some PuGs are good. I started The Wilds with a PUG group, one quit out as soon as we started and it seemed that I was doing all the work and getting all the punishment.
Then we started on the bonus, and the team just sort of pulled together. The whole thing was a breeze from then on.
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WarBlade Wrote:The chances are some bored guildmate will be only too willing to bring a decently overpowered meat grinder back for a little fun.  Couldn't have said that any better myself.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
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