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Hello? Is anybody here?

Hello! I have recently started playing MoO again, (I bought MoO2, but didn't like it as much as the origional)

I was wondering if the Imperium was still running? I have compleated the game on impossible with all bar the Mrrshan and Alkari. I never got the hang of their game play.

I would also be interested in any attempts to recreate a MoO game, I have been doing lots of C++ coding recently (but academic, so more calculations than graphics/interface). I noticed the FreeOrion project, but it seems much too design by committee and MoO2 based.

What would be good would be an online MMOG of MoO with realtime turns of 1 a day or so.

im here... :D

javamoo/moo1plus was a very promising project in the spirit of moo1.
but currently it seems dead.

It is not dead, but it did change websites. The author has a problem with an online stalker. He also usually takes long breaks in the summer, so I think he's not active at the moment. Hopefully he'll return again in the autumn (as he has done in the past.)

heh, I would happily try my hand at coding a c++ version of MoO, but sadly it would have to be command line driven.

I suppose a spiritual succesor to MoO could be made if you used different names for the races/techs/weapons etc. I don't know what Intelectual Property fights you get into with MoO, I know that System Shock IP is heavily regulated with a large club by EA (who own about half the IP, but no-one knows who owns the other half after LGS shut down.)

You could have a race with a strange religion which converts members of other races, giving an espionage bonus (and possibly a certain % of rebels in nearby colonies which makes inciting rebellion easier.)

I don't know how much tweaking to the races would be neccessary to change the races from "strong/average/weak" into a more balanced set, without losing the races personalities and going for mass tiny bonuses like MoO2 and 3.

Idealy the races abilites shouldn't be something which is equivalent to a few techs here and there, with the exception of the silicoid style of massive early advantage with a crippling disability. I mean more like the silly MoO2 style Darlocks start with stealth drive tech.

The personalities of MoO races depended a lot on their tech advantages/disadvantages, which limits the number of races to be comparable to the number of tech fields. I would think a similar number would be optimum to reduce homogenising the races, and not having too many wildcard races like the silicoids.

Do you know more about that online stalker? I did get a bit enthusiastic with my suggestions on his forum, I hope he's not hiding from me.... frown

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