Turn 50 Report
So at Turn 50 I am at 5 cities with a settler out and ready to settle on the tile marked 'Choke C' next turn - though I may decide to take a punt at moving up to the forest plains hill by the copper & flood plains (but I think that would tank my economy too much!). Not bad, but perhaps a little behind what I'd like.
I have had to delay my next wave of settling slightly because Commodore has pretty damn obvious covetous desires for my empire. I have 5 spears now out in the field, 2 in Reach and 2 on the Gold hill with one more on his way north asap. Diplo with him has pretty much shown up his intentions, but I'm hoping that with a demonstration of force on my side of the border, he may decide to reconsider. I won't hold out much hope though!
Why then, did I settle Reach? A city which will take a while to improve and is not the most easily defensible place when an aggressive neighbour with Keshiks is not far away? The answer is that I had very little option. He has the Henge so his city's culture would have quickly made it less and less of a viable site and I couldn't afford to let him have the whole mirror area. It will be a good city so long as I can hold it with my spears. It has popped its borders in response and now has +2 culture per turn compared to Commodore's city having +1 (unless he got Hinduism & spread it there - unlikely with all the hammers going to less peaceful means). I may yet be able to make it work for me. I have 2 spears and 2 warriors defending it now, with 2 more spears able to move into the city if needed. I still have 10 turns to get more stuff in, so a couple of axes to add to 3/4 spears under 20% culture *should* be an adequate defence force.
Looking at points and demographics, it would suggest that perhaps mackoti and gaspar are getting on better - or at least probably aren't staring war in the face as clearly as me and commodore. Macki's probably halfway towards his 'Pyramid scheme' already and unless Gaspar has some devilish plan to derail it or Macki's other plans in the not-too-distant future, then macki will prove very hard to beat.
This already looks like its going to be tough for me to make a push for victory in this game under current circumstances, and if Commodore does indeed attack me I'd wager that Macki (and probably Gaspar) are good enough players to gain a strong advantage from it, as I will endeavour to make it as bloody as I can.
My updates are going to be sporadic for this game, but I will do my best to keep you informed - especially if war breaks out.
You can ask for info/screenies, but be prepared to maybe wait a day or two for it now uni is starting again.