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Civ 4

Ideas? Thoughts? Has the RB community moved past Civ as a whole?

Ozymandous Wrote:Ideas? Thoughts? Has the RB community moved past Civ as a whole?

I think Civ3 burnout has set in for just about everyone. Even I have shut down the LK Series and can't wait for the last game to end.

The Civ3 forums went from a lot a games to follow to almost nothing.

I figured that was the case with Civ3, hence me asking about Civ4. wink

I know there are a lot of people at Civfanatics waiting for Civ4.

I am not sure about the RB people.

Hi Ozy! [Image: wavey.gif]

Ozymandous Wrote:Ideas? Thoughts? Has the RB community moved past Civ as a whole?
I don't think RB has passed Civ as a whole - we had some discussion about Civ 4 some time ago, and it looked like most people look forward to the game and are excited about an Epic-like tournament for it (if the game will be good, that is).

It's just that RB seems not to be the type of community for pre-release hype; most here are waiting patiently in expecting silence. wink Coincidentally, I had become curious about the status of Civ 4 just yesterday, and found some news at - rumours claim it will go gold anytime soon, although sources are nothing official. (And I also learned that I will have to pay about 25$ more if I want to have the US version. :mad: But I already have an idea how to deal with that...)

My biggest fear with Civ 4 is that it will be the first Civ with a 3D engine, which might hurt usabilty. I don't want eye-candy...or, as GamePro put it: Is it necessarily progress, however? The overview might look too crowded or inefficient. The units are larger than your buildings during gameplay... The transition from 2D to 3D may not be comforting for a lot of fans; it could easily be an annoyance.

I'll buy it as soon as it's out, though. I have a lot of faith in Firaxis; they haven't disappointed me yet.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Kylearan hit the nail on the head. This just isn't the kind of forum where people will endlessly discuss a game that hasn't been released yet and no one has had the chance to play.

I'm planning on picking up a copy of Civ4 when it is released and seeing what happens. As long as Sirian is interested in the game as well, I expect that Realms Beyond Civ will soon be hopping with events again.

It has been a bit of a ghost town lately, hasn't it? But we got 50 Epics out of Civ3, which speaks quite a bit for how much fun even an exploit-ridden (just look at our tactics list!) version of Civilization can be. smile
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Ozymandous Wrote:Has the RB community moved past Civ as a whole?

In a word: No.

In four words: You have no idea! eek lol

Should you get Civ4? Yes. thumbsup

More news about RBCiv: Coming soon! coffee

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about the enthusiasm level for Civ 4.



I worry about how the 3D would affect game play as well. I have not found very many games that it help in the Turn Based arena.

I also do not read any of the threads about upcoming games, until it has gone gold. I would prefer to open the package with very little advanced knowledge of it.

I think you might find a few old names coming back for Civ 4 as well...


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