We could really use at least one, and better yet two, players as replacements in the current Pitboss game. I think we're far enough into the game that someone mildly spoiled could play without any serious issue. I won't lie, these replacement spots on Team 4 are not in the greatest position in the game, but for anyone who's been sitting on the sidelines and looking for a chance to join a game, we could certainly use you.
Pitboss Replacement Player(s) Sought
Sullla Wrote:We could really use at least one, and better yet two, players as replacements in the current Pitboss game. I think we're far enough into the game that someone mildly spoiled could play without any serious issue. I won't lie, these replacement spots on Team 4 are not in the greatest position in the game, but for anyone who's been sitting on the sidelines and looking for a chance to join a game, we could certainly use you. I'm medium to well done spoilered. I've kept up to date on your thread (more or less, I think I'm a bit behind at the moment) and I have sporadicly followed the other teams (reading one thread is a heck of a lot easier than 3 or 4 threads). I'm willing to do a sub for (part? all?) of Team 4 but, My playing times are a bit limited. (I'm on EST) Evenings are good for me, and some mornings (I work 2 weeks days/2 weeks afternoons) but playing outside of those time slots is impossible due to the need for sleep/actually showing up at work ![]() I will need a pause if my turns come up outside of the times I can actually play. If that is an issue, then you'll need to find someone else to sub. ![]() I'll also need some time to log in, look at the current state of the Empires and formulate some sort of recovery plan. I'll likely want a weekend day or two. Yes this holds up an already slow game, but if you want an actual fight from team 4 I'll need a bit of time to get up to speed on where they are at and do some thinking and planning on how to at least put up a good fight once the tanks start steamrolling our longbows. ![]() Also, I've never played a PitBoss game before. Can someone explain (in nice simple terms SVP) how I log into the game and play my turns? and there is one additional thing I like if I'm joining/taking over team 4: The sub-forum name needs to be changed from "Team Reject" to "Team: Bring It!"* *Actually, I'd prefer "Team: Bring It, Bitches!", but I suspect that is pushing things a bit to far. ![]()
Thanks, that would be extremely helpful. My team has no objections to you filling a spot on Team 4; as long as the other teams feel the same way (and I expect that they will), you should be good to go. Please feel free to take a little time to look over whichever civ you'll be playing and talk with teammates on what they were planning.
Login information is all in the stickied Email thread in the Pitboss #6 forum: http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...php?t=4991 You'll just need whatever password your civ is using, which should be in the private Team 4 forum somewhere. Pitboss turns are pretty easy to play: login using the information provided, move your units and manage cities and normal, then sign out when your turn is finished. You can log in and out as much as you want, although you can only move units when your team is up (since we are playing under Sequential turns). Thanks again. oledavy Wrote:Thoth & Nabaxo iirc And Jkaen too I believe, unless we can find someone to replace him. Thanks for taking over Thoth! The email thread is the place to start. In regards to knowing when your turn is up, someone on the team before you (myself, dave, or Warriorknight) will usually post in the email thread to say team 4 is up. If we forget or if the forum is down, the website to check is here http://www.civstats.com/viewgame.php?gameid=2202. The ending turn feature is bugged for team 3 before you, but if you see in the log that dave, WK, and I all logged in (and especially if we had score changes) it is a good chance your turn is up. nabaxo Wrote:PM me Thoth for the login to TMITs civ! Done, and it's been done. Thanks to whichever mod made the change. ![]() And thanks to everyone for the welcome. ![]() Anyone who wants to pay our territory a visit can expect a warm welcome in thanks. ![]() http://youtu.be/MkTw3_PmKtc |