SevenSpirits Wrote:![[Image: pbem32startshotcrop-1.jpg]](http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i370/Lewwyn1/pbem32startshotcrop-1.jpg)
Fishing: Your city loses its 5 starting culture.
The Wheel: The village on Tile B is removed.
Agriculture: The Corn is moved to Tile C (where it is forested).
Hunting: Tile A loses the forest.
Mysticism: Tile C becomes plains.
Mining: Tile D becomes flatland.
Additionally there are three civilizations with effects should you choose them:
If you are India, you start without a worker.
If you are Inca or Byzantium, you start without a scout.
So given these options, I do NOT want Mining. I refuse to lose the 5H tile. Hunting is out, I refuse to lose the forest since its an early 4 yield tile. Fishing is harmless yet worthless since it only allows us to work unimproved crabs and we can't build a workboat to it.
That leaves us with AGR, Myst, and wheel. I would prefer not to have to tech both Mining and AGR. Also forested corn is not so bad because I can farm the FP and rid myself of the Workshop. I would prefer to keep the village BUT if I go with Myst I turn the corn into a plains corn which is then a 5f1h tile. Is that worth it... Probably. So I'm thinking either AGR/Myst or AGR/Wheel.
The last note is about Civs Inca, India, Byz. Byz has terrible starting techs, but that nice UU. India loses a worker... I mean did you see my title? Inca though is awesome. And it is the only civ that starts with AGR/Myst... That means I have to take Inca if I want AGR/Myst. That's totally worth losing the scout even if it cuts down my chances at Circumnav. The only thing is that it makes CRE unappealing and I was thinking about going CRE.
If I go AGR/Wheel I have some great options. Egypt, France, Ottoman and Sumeria.
CIV pick:
1) Inca
2) Egypt
3) Ottoman
4) Sumeria
5) France
Now the Leader:
SevenSpirits Wrote:Aggressive: Library
Charismatic: Granary
Creative: Courthouse
Expansive: Hospital
Financial: 1 gold
Imperialistic: Grocer
Industrious: Castle
Organized: Supermarket
Philosophical: Airport
Protective: +2 Population
Spiritual: Warrior with the Sentry and Leadership promotions.
AGG - Maybe
CHA - No, we have a forest preserve and incense right around the corner all hooked up.
CRE - Yes because spy points will be useful in this game. No if I get Inca.
EXP - Yes if I get Inca for cheap Terraces, No if any other civ, hospital...

FIN - Depends, but possible
IMP - Too weak, not enough bonus
IND - Interesting if no one else gets an IND leader, probably not though
ORG - Interesting bonus possible
PHI - No
PRO - The bonus is nice because you go straight into settler production esp since it will be currently difficult to grow the cap early... but no I think.
SPI - Great trait, useful bonus. No one starts with a warrior but you? and you have sentry and leadership. I could see myself in a new shiny warrior.
SO recap possibles: FIN, SPI, (CRE/EXP), ORG. I think I will get EXP if Inca, CRE if not Inca, from there probably SPI or FIN. Again these are situational dependent vs. other leader picks.
If Inca:
If not Inca:
I feel a bit bad about the FIN in there. And if others don't pick FIN maybe I won't either. CRE/SPI is the combo I really want to play. Maybe I'll end up with Hatty of Egypt? :neenernee
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”