In winter 2004, I invested significant energy in to spawning an MOO1 revival. I launched a site, wrote a tutorial, genned up interest in a tournament, launched the tournament, and provided a home for fellow fans to actually play the game together.
Then, just as suddenly, support from me dried up later in the spring. Why?
Sometimes we have to make choices. Many times, I have worked at things involving games that would benefit dozens or maybe hundreds of my fellow gamers. The Imperia and the MOO1 revival were one of these occasions. I still love the game. I'm glad that I helped spark renewed interest in it and that many of you had a good time with it. I had the opportunity, however, to choose to invest my time in to a game in a way that would affect hundreds of thousands of my fellow gamers. The opportunity came unexpectedly, and it required my full attention.
I made the choice to abandon my MOO1 activities and commitments, and I also chose not to reveal that I was doing this or to explain why. I feel I owe some of you an apology for not explaining, and for not making a move to let someone else have the chance to take the leadership reins for RBMoo.
I am willing to do that now, though. If one of you wants to revive the tournament in the near future, we can talk it over with Griselda and see what we can arrange. If all of you are going to give Civ4 a try, then we will likely shut down the Imperia -- they've been shut down de facto for more than a year anyway.
Who knows. Perhaps at some point I will be in position to help make a new Master of Orion game, or a game that embodies some of its best gameplay elements.
Thanks to everybody who joined in on my all too brief MOO1 revival.
Now I'm off to give my full attention to RBCiv.
- Sirian
Then, just as suddenly, support from me dried up later in the spring. Why?
Sometimes we have to make choices. Many times, I have worked at things involving games that would benefit dozens or maybe hundreds of my fellow gamers. The Imperia and the MOO1 revival were one of these occasions. I still love the game. I'm glad that I helped spark renewed interest in it and that many of you had a good time with it. I had the opportunity, however, to choose to invest my time in to a game in a way that would affect hundreds of thousands of my fellow gamers. The opportunity came unexpectedly, and it required my full attention.
I made the choice to abandon my MOO1 activities and commitments, and I also chose not to reveal that I was doing this or to explain why. I feel I owe some of you an apology for not explaining, and for not making a move to let someone else have the chance to take the leadership reins for RBMoo.
I am willing to do that now, though. If one of you wants to revive the tournament in the near future, we can talk it over with Griselda and see what we can arrange. If all of you are going to give Civ4 a try, then we will likely shut down the Imperia -- they've been shut down de facto for more than a year anyway.
Who knows. Perhaps at some point I will be in position to help make a new Master of Orion game, or a game that embodies some of its best gameplay elements.
Thanks to everybody who joined in on my all too brief MOO1 revival.
Now I'm off to give my full attention to RBCiv.
- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.